Chapter 17

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Nicole's POV

Once Alex was safely tucked into his crib and the baby monitor was switched on, the room door was closed, signaling that it was time for the much-awaited delivery. The first van arrived, carrying the delicious food. With efficiency and speed, mom, Claire, and I swiftly organized and stored the food away in a matter of minutes. Just as we finished, the second delivery arrived, bringing a wave of excitement as it contained the toys for Alex. Each of us eagerly grabbed a present to wrap up for him. Any gifts intended for someone else were discreetly hidden in individual bags, ensuring they remained a surprise until the right moment. As we continued wrapping, the clock ticked away, and it must have been around 11 pm when we finally placed all of Alex's presents under the beautifully adorned tree.

As I tiptoe into the familiar confines of my childhood bedroom, my heart brims with excitement and anticipation. The bag I carry holds a treasure trove of carefully chosen presents, concealed from prying eyes. Alex, my baby boy, slumbers peacefully in his crib, unaware of the joyful chaos that awaits us on this magical Christmas morning. Determined to wrap these tokens of love before the break of dawn, I embark on a mission to create beautifully adorned packages that will bring smiles to the faces of my beloved family.

Alex's POV

The sun shines on my face and wakes me up. I look towards the window and notice that mommy forgot to close the curtains. When I turn my head, I see mommy sleeping on her bed. She's still wearing the same dress she had on yesterday, and there are many papers and boxes neatly stacked on the floor around her.

I can't help but giggle when I see mommy sleeping in such a funny position. As soon as she hears me, she wakes up and walks towards me. She picks me up and playfully puts my hand near her mouth, pretending to eat my fingers. "Oh, my little peanut," she says, "you're so sweet. Maybe I should try eating your feet too, they might be just as delicious!"

Mommy gently lays me down on the soft bed and lovingly changes my diaper. But then, she starts pretending to nibble on my tiny feet! It tickles so much that I can't help but burst into fits of giggles. Mommy is the silliest and it makes me so happy!

The door opened with a big bang and Paul and Robert rushed inside, yelling "it's Christmas!" They quickly ran back out again. Mommy scooped me up and carried me into the room where the tree was. As I looked at the tree, I saw many presents wrapped underneath it. I was so excited that my eyes widened with surprise. All I wanted was to be on the floor, surrounded by all the colorful paper and boxes.

Mommy gently placed me on the floor next to grandpa's feet, and Paul handed me a beautifully wrapped box. Mommy sat down in front of me, her loving hands helping me tear off the colorful paper. As the paper came off, I discovered a shiny toy car inside. But before I could even play with it, grandma took it from me, making me feel sad. However, Robert quickly handed me another toy to cheer me up. It seemed like a never-ending cycle, as every time I finished unwrapping a toy, a new one magically appeared in front of me.

The floor soon became a sea of colorful paper, as everyone in the room unwrapped their own boxes. I watched in awe as the paper piled up around me, creating a magical playground. I couldn't contain my excitement anymore - I was surrounded by paper and boxes, ready to embark on countless adventures. It was like a dream come true, and I couldn't wait to dive into the sea of paper and let my imagination run wild.

With each toy I unwrapped, the joy in the room grew. Laughter filled the air as I discovered new treasures hidden beneath the wrapping paper. The room was filled with love and happiness, as everyone joined in the excitement of my little adventure. The floor may have been covered in paper, but it was a small price to pay for the endless joy and laughter that filled the room. I was surrounded by the warmth of my family, and in that moment, I knew that the best gift of all was their love and presence.

Playing with paper and boxes was so much fun, but then mommy surprised me by picking me up. She said it was time for dinner, so she put me in a special chair called a high chair. When I looked at the table, my eyes widened with excitement because there was a lot of yummy food on it! Everyone was happily eating, except for grandpa who was taking care of me. The twins were chattering about their new remote control car, and I think they were also talking about me. But then grandpa's voice turned angry, and he warned them not to even think about something. I wonder what it could be!

After our delicious dinner, Aunt Claire gently settled me back into my cozy paper fort. It was a safe haven where I could let my imagination run wild. Just as I was getting comfortable, my uncles Paul and Robert approached me with an exciting proposition. "Hey Alex, how would you like to become a race car driver?" they asked, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Unable to contain my excitement, I bounced up and down, giggling uncontrollably. Paul and Robert took my enthusiastic response as a resounding yes. Without wasting any time, Robert scooped me up in his arms and carried me to their bedroom. There, they ingeniously crafted a miniature chair and attached it securely to a remote control car. Paul carefully placed me in the chair, and Robert used tape to ensure that I wouldn't fall off during our thrilling adventure.

With a burst of energy, the car zoomed off, and I couldn't help but giggle with delight as we raced around the wooden cabin. It felt like I was flying, my laughter echoing through the air. Little did I know that our escapade was about to be discovered. Just as we were having the time of our lives, Mommy, Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Claire emerged from the kitchen, their eyes widening in surprise as they witnessed me strapped to a car, zipping around with sheer joy.

The moment grandpa laid eyes on the commotion, he sprang into action, swiftly snatching the car and lifting me up from the ground. In the meantime, grandma skillfully removed the tape that had entangled me, setting me free from its grasp. With a worried look on her face, mommy gazed at me and softly asked, "Oh peanut, are you alright?"

Grandpa looked like he was about to kill as he made his way towards Paul and Robert.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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