Chapter 9

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Nicole's POV

I take a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through my veins. The anticipation of the auction has been building up for weeks, and now that the day has finally arrived, I can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline.

As I stand in front of the mirror, I carefully adjust the bracelets on my wrists, ensuring that each diamond sparkles in the light. The weight of the precious stones reminds me of the significance of this event. I chose these accessories meticulously, wanting to make a statement and exude an air of elegance and sophistication.

Next, I delicately place the dangling earrings, each adorned with a brilliant diamond, onto my earlobes. They sway gently as I move, catching the light and casting a mesmerizing glow. I can't help but smile at the reflection staring back at me, feeling a sense of empowerment and confidence.

Finally, I carefully fasten the diamond necklace around my neck, its intricate design cascading down my chest. The diamonds shimmer and dance, creating a dazzling display that demands attention. I run my fingers along the delicate chain, feeling the coolness of the precious stones against my skin.

With one last glance at the mirror, I take a moment to appreciate the transformation. The reflection staring back at me is not just a reflection of physical beauty, but also a reflection of the hard work and dedication I have put into preparing for this auction. I am ready to make a lasting impression, to captivate the room with my presence.

As I tear my gaze away from the mirror, I shift my focus to the clock ticking away on the wall. The realization that I still have an hour left before the viewing commences fills me with a mix of relief and anticipation. I take a deep breath, reminding myself to stay calm and composed.

As I step out of my house, I quickly grab my handbag before heading towards the car. Feeling a bit anxious, I take a moment to double-check my outfit.

Entering the grand hall, I am surrounded by countless children from all over the world. I notice several prominent figures searching for their new additions among the little ones. Some are comfortably seated in strollers, while others play at small tables, each with a description and age displayed beside them.

While navigating through the crowd of children, my attention is captivated by a small, fragile child in a stroller. With his adorable face, beautiful brown eyes, and hair cascading over his forehead, he melts my heart. I watch as he babbles in the most endearing way.

Deep down, I know he is the one. The baby I've been longing for, the one I would do anything to love and provide for. Standing at the back of the room, I anxiously wait for the auction to begin, not even knowing his name or age due to the distance from the description. All I can do is hope for a chance.

My anxiety reaches its peak as countless eyes are fixed on him. Suddenly, he is pushed onto the platform, the spotlight shining upon him. Sitting in his stroller, dressed only in a diaper, he cries uncontrollably. The auctioneer announces his name and age, but I am too focused on Alex's tears to catch the other details. Bids start pouring in rapidly, but when the amount reaches 25 million, I shouted 45 million out.

My gaze remains fixed on Alex as I hear the auctioneer ask for any higher bids. "Going once," "Going twice," and finally, "Sold to the lady in the back."

Walking towards the platform, I scoop Alex into my arms, holding him tightly. I whisper softly, reassuring him, "It's okay, my little peanut. Mommy is here now, and you're safe. No one will ever hurt you again. Mommy is right here."

After I settled the bill for Alex at the store, I kindly inquired if he needed a change. Seeing his nod of agreement, I guided him towards the designated changing room. With a sense of efficiency and care, I swiftly untaped his soiled diaper, ensuring his comfort throughout the process. As I gently wiped him clean.

Once he was fresh and dry, I reached into his bag and pulled out the most adorable panda onesie I had picked out for him earlier. Its soft fabric and cute design were sure to bring a smile to his face. Carefully, I slipped his tiny arms through the sleeves, making sure it fit snugly but not too tight. The sight of him in that onesie was simply heartwarming.

Next, I reached for his tiny shoes, carefully selecting a pair that matched his outfit perfectly

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Next, I reached for his tiny shoes, carefully selecting a pair that matched his outfit perfectly. As I slipped them onto his little feet.

Prior to my departure from Forever Babies Dream Auctioneers, I strain to catch the word "bey" amidst Alex's piercing screams

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Prior to my departure from Forever Babies Dream Auctioneers, I strain to catch the word "bey" amidst Alex's piercing screams.

Desperately seeking answers, I turn to Jesse the auction assistant , hoping she can shed some light on who or what my son is desperately crying for.

Jesse responds, "It's his stuffie; he's had it since he arrived. I can go grab it for you. If you take Alex to the car, I'll bring it there."

As I make my way to the car, Alex's cries still echoing in my ears, I carefully secure him in his car seat and attempt to soothe him with a gentle lullaby. But nothing seems to work. Even when he spots Jesse approaching with his beloved stuffie, his screams persist.

"Thank you, Jesse. Hopefully, now that he has his bey, he will calm down," I express my gratitude, hoping for some respite.

Jesse corrects me, saying, "Actually, his stuffie is called Beany. He can't pronounce it anymore due to the effects of the mental age medication."

Her words shock me, and I realize I need to know more. "Please, tell me everything you can about Alex," I implore Jesse, my curiosity piqued.

Jesse proceeds to enlighten me, "The mental age medication will eventually wear off once he is able to stay in his little age. He had his teeth removed because of biting issues, and his legs have been clamped due to kicking and to aid him in learning to walk. If you choose to let him grow up, he will require medication and will have to undergo the process of learning to walk. Didn't you read his description card?"

Nicole "I was so disappointed that I couldn't get a closer look at whatever it was that you were talking about. It sounded so intriguing and I was really looking forward to seeing it for myself. But unfortunately, circumstances prevented me from getting any closer. Despite my disappointment, I want to thank you for sharing the information with me."

As we were heading back home, I decided to play a soothing lullaby to help Alex fall asleep. It worked like a charm, and soon enough he was sound asleep, sucking his thumb. I gently reached around and replaced his thumb with a pacifier, ensuring that he would continue to sleep peacefully. "We're almost there, my little peanut," I whispered softly.

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