Chapter 11

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After all the tears I shed yesterday, I can't even remember what happened. As I wake up in yet another crib, I start to panic knowing that I was purchased by someone who wants a baby. But I won't make it easy for them.

I try to scream, but all that comes out is baby talk. So, I resort to other methods to show my displeasure about being turned into an infant. I start banging on the bars of my crib until the woman who bought me steps into the room with a smile on her face.

Little does she know, she's in for a wild ride with me.

From the perspective of a mother:

I can hear the sound of my little one stirring, and I know it's time to get up and face the challenge of changing his diaper. I'm hoping it won't be a long battle, but I've heard stories of babies resisting the change for weeks. As I enter the room, my heart breaks at the look on his face.

"Good morning, my sweetie. Let's get you cleaned up."

As I lift him up, his tiny fists start flailing, hitting my jaw and chest. I try to calm him down, but he continues to scream and scratch at my arms, making it difficult to change his diaper.

"I'm sorry, my love, but we have to change your diaper. You'll get a rash if we don't."

I hold his arms down with one hand while removing his diaper with the other, but he still kicks his legs. It's a struggle, but I manage to get the dirty diaper off and clean him up. Then comes the challenge of getting him dressed. Since we're not going out today, I put him in a cozy onesie and a cute bib.

As soon as I slip the baby grow over Alex's head, he starts wriggling. His arms are impossible to put in, so I resort to blowing raspberries on his tummy. I watch as he tries to suppress his laughter, but eventually he lets out the most adorable chuckle. I can't resist cooing at him, but as he continues to giggle, I manage to get his arms in and snap the grow in place. However, he immediately starts tugging at the snaps, so I give him a tap on the thigh and a stern look. He's back to wriggling in no time, but I don't mind because it doesn't hurt. I scoop him up and head downstairs to the kitchen to make his formula, knowing that breastfeeding is out of the question when he's in this mood. After what feels like an eternity of him batting the bottle away, I finally give in and place him in the playpen. He'll have to drink his formula eventually, whether he likes it or not.

I can feel the exhaustion creeping in. It's only the beginning of the day, and I already feel drained. But I know that this is just a small part of being a mother. It's a constant battle of trying to keep your child clean, fed, and happy.

Alex's POV

I see her approaching me and saying, "Good morning, my baby, let's get you changed." However, I am not pleased with this situation as I am currently trapped in a crib, wearing a diaper, and unable to communicate or walk. I am not a baby, and I am not going to tolerate this treatment. As she lifts me up, I retaliate by punching her in the face and chest.

This is only the beginning of my resistance. I continue to scream, scratch, and kick as she places me on a table. When I feel the cold sensation of the diaper, I try to resist by kicking as hard as I can, but she manages to cover it up. She proceeds to put a new diaper on me and then places something over my head, causing me to freeze up.

She attempts to put my arms through the armholes, but she blows on my tummy instead of breaking my arms. I try not to laugh, but since my teeth have been removed, it is impossible.

I can no longer bear it. As she starts to chuckle, She swiftly slide my arms in and fasten the bottom. I begin pulling, desperately trying to remove this dreadful thing, when she unexpectedly strikes my thigh, causing immense pain.

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