Chapter 7

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Nicole is 24 feet 3 inches tall, with reddish brown hair flowing to her waist and the most stunning eyes the eyeris's outer layer is a rich translucent green reminiscent of the deep sea, allowing light to enter deep into the eyes. like a cat's eye stone, moving towards the pupil In nature, this deep ocean green transforms into a brilliant and reflective mossy green, as if the sun rose on a recently drenched field and the moss glimmered in the light like fire or light reflecting through crystal. Then, with a sudden but thin banding, her eyes generate a copper-like glow around the pupil by combining yellow and reddish specks densely packed together as in an impressionist painting.Monet's work, for example. Her pupil is completely black, but it still allows light to pass through. A nebula in space may look similar; yet, on unexpected days, they change from this beautiful green to a teal blue one with an almost mournful expression, but new life is promised to follow, just like when it rains.

Nicole gazed out of the large window that was situated in the master bedroom of her recently purchased modern-style home. It was an architectural delight; clean lines, open-plan spaces, and light streaming in from every direction. Nicole felt as if she was part of the outdoor beauty - as if she could reach out and touch the trees, the sky, the sun.

But inside, she felt a deep pang of sadness. She lamented the fact that, due to a reproductive problem that affected 70% of her alien species, she could not have the one thing she really wanted - a baby boy.

Desperately seeking comfort, Nicole decided to create a special room for her anticipated, yet never to be conceived, son. She had the interior designers in to make the room sing, so that when she walked in, she'd feel as if a special little boy resided within its walls.

The walls were painted a deep blue, reflecting the depths of the ocean. On the ceiling, stars twinkled and twirled in a dreamy kaleidoscope of night. A huge skylight allowed the sun to stream in, warming the room with its wonderfully nurturing energy.

Soft furry rugs were laid atop the floorboards, providing a comfortable place for her little one to crawl and kick. Brightly coloured toys sat on shelves and filled a special toy chest, lovingly hand-crafted.

In the corner of the room was a small cot, designed with soft, ethereal fabrics and soothing lullabies to dream away the days. Though it stood empty, Nicole filled it with an abundance of her love, so much so that even the most discerning of visitors could feel the pull of her maternal instinct.

Though this beautiful modern house would never host Nicole's precious baby boy, it was a reminder of the hope and love she would always have for him, no matter the distance or dimension.

Nicole had been living in her ideal home for two years with have none to call her own when her friend Cynder called to invite her to a birthday party for his small daughter in the park, Sarah. Nicole felt a mix of emotions - happiness for Cynder and his growing family, but also a tinge of sadness and longing for a child of her own.

As Nicole arrived at the park, she saw the joyful scene unfolding before her. Colorful balloons, a bouncy castle, and children laughing filled the air. Cynder greeted her with a warm smile and introduced her to Sarah, who was turning three that day.

Nicole couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder as she watched Sarah interact with her friends. The pure innocence and joy radiating from the children made Nicole's heart ache for the experience of motherhood. She realized that despite not having a child of her own, she could still be part of these precious moments.

During the party, Nicole spent time playing with Sarah and the other children. She invented imaginative games, made them laugh uncontrollably, and even helped organize a treasure hunt for them to enjoy. The children adored her playful energy, and even Cynder noticed how effortlessly she connected with them.

After the party ended, Cynder pulled Nicole aside they enter a room off to the side where her other friends were sitting talking.

Cynder "Nicole we all know how much you want a baby so why not buy one of the human littles that's why we took over earth in the first place."

She turns to face me, a tiny grin on her lips and tears flowing down her cheeks.

"The next human auction is in 5 days, so go take a look and see what you can get." Angelina says with a big grin.

Nicole responds, "but what auction house is the best one?"

Cynder "perhaps attend the next auction at For Babies, the Dream Auctioneers. Expanton orbital drive newcomers"

Then Angelina and Courteney
Suddenly jump in to the conversation.

"When it comes to finding the perfect baby, Nicole, you’re looking for an experience like no other of the highest quality. That’s why we suggest you consider Babies, the Dream Auctioneers auction. Not only do they guarantee the best selection of babies, but they also guarantee the utmost safety and care. From the moment you step in, you’ll be overwhelmed with the selection of human babies available. They carefully select each and every baby with the utmost care and forethought. The auction offers babies of all genders, cultures, and ethnicities and they are all waiting to be adopted by the perfect adoptive parents. The baby auction offers comprehensive legal assistance to make sure the entire process is done correctly. They will even provide additional support during the post-adoption stage, ensuring that the baby has been properly taken care of and registered with the proper paperwork. All of these factors together make the human baby auction the most secure and reliable pathway to finding the perfect baby".

Cynder "Oh my god, you should. Because they haven't had one in over 7 months, they'll have hundreds, and you'll be able to find one."

Courtney, "or two"

Nicole "I don't believe I could handle two. "Only one for me."

Cynder "So, Nicole, what are your plans for getting one?"

Cassidy " boy or girl Nicole?"

Nicole "Well, I would have loved to have a little boy." However, because science has made our lives so long, many of our race are now sterile. Yes, I believe I'll go see if any tiny boys grab my attention. I really need to get going; I'll see you all later."

I headed to the mall after hugging Cynder, Angelina, Courtney, and Cassidy.

In the mall shopping for a frock for the auction. The garment I chose is a long burnt red gown with a gorgeous lace bodice. Elegant as well as comfortable open toe 4 inc heels.

I stroll through a baby store on my way out of the mall and notice the cutest panda onesi ever with tiny panda shoes. Picking it up thinking this one ill bring my baby home in. As I approached the cashier to purchase the adorable panda onesie, I heard a commotion coming from the entrance of the mall. Curiosity piqued, I made my way through the crowd to to see that three identical boys running from their parents my mind started to wonder if my boy might end up like those wild kids. As I got closer, I noticed the parents desperately calling out their names - Arron, Ben, and Chris. The identical boys were darting in and out of different shops not paying attention to their own mother. I can't believe they haven been brought up better , I thought to myself as the three identical boys continued to wreak havoc in the mall. Their poor parents were visibly flustered and looked on the verge of tears. Watching the chaos unfold, I finished my shopping and headed to my car ready for the next 5 days until the auction. As I drove home, my mind kept wandering back to the chaotic scene at the mall. The image of those identical boys causing mayhem stuck with me now I worry will my boy be like that.

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