Chapter 12

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Gearing up for the upcoming clash: escorting Alex to the medical facility. I psych myself up and suit up before confronting him.

The moment his eyes snap open, he unleashes a barrage of screams, punches, and scratches. Inhaling deeply, I carefully position him on the changing table, swiftly remove the soiled diaper, cleanse him, and secure a dinosaur-themed diaper on Alex. Next, I dress him in blue dungarees adorned with dinosaurs, along with a jean jacket featuring a teddy bear on the back.

Whenever I attempt to feed him, he declines as he is extremely skinny. But, I am determined to make him eat, even if it means using force. However, I feel guilty about it and decide to erase his memories with a mind wipe. As a result, he will only remember me as his mother. As I prepare to leave with my son Alex, he grabs my hair and pulls it hard. In response, I impulsively hit his hand, causing him to cry.

"Oh my, I apologize peanut, I never intended to cause you any harm. Mommy loves you so much, you mean the world to me."

Attempting to soothe him, I gently kiss his hand. Unexpectedly, he strikes me in the face and leaves scratches behind.

"Alright, sweetheart, I understand you're upset, but don't worry, everything will be alright soon."

Alex's POV

That brute just hit my hand so hard, it feels like it's broken. While she tries to make it better by kissing it, I decide to retaliate by punching her and scratching her face. Let's see how she reacts now. She seems to be plotting my demise...

The car finally comes to a halt in front of an enormous structure that seems to touch the sky. I'm in awe as I am taken out of the car, realizing that I've never seen a building so towering before. As I'm being wheeled towards the reception desk in this silly stroller, the nurse behind the counter greets me with a warm smile. Feeling mischievous, I raise two fingers at her. She then turns her attention to the women that keeps calling herself mommy, who can be quite unpleasant at times.

Nurse: "Welcome to Earth Children's Hospital, little angels! How can we assist you today?"

Nicole "I'm here with my baby Alex Caldwell, he has an appointment at 2."

The nurse's eyes widen, a sinister smile creeping across her face. "Oh yes, he is to see Doctor Pain," she says, her voice dripping with malice. "Please have a seat; he will be with you shortly."

Time seems to crawl as we wait in the eerie silence of the hospital room. Suddenly, the air grows heavy, as if an unseen presence has entered. A chill runs down my spine as an Amazonian man with blond hair and sun-like eyes standing before us.

"Good afternoon," he says, his voice laced with a haunting tone. "My name is Dr. Pain; please follow me so that we can begin."

We follow him into the room, Nicoles footsteps echoing ominously. The walls are adorned with cartoon characters and animals, their eyes seemingly following our every move. The once bright blue shade now appears sinister, casting an eerie glow over the room. Toys and books on the shelves seem to come alive, their presence unsettling.

In the corner, a television flickers with static, its muted screen displaying distorted images that send shivers down my spine. The few window panes allow slivers of sunlight to penetrate the darkness, casting eerie shadows that dance across the room.

The hospital bed, tightly tucked in, resembles a coffin, its sheets and blankets resembling a shroud. A sense of foreboding fills the air as we notice a bear sitting in the center, its glassy eyes staring into the abyss. The equipment surrounding the bed seems to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, adding to the unsettling atmosphere.

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