Chapter 10

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As I made my way back from the auction, my heart was filled with joy as I glanced at my precious bundle in the rear seat. Stepping out of the car, I held him close, and as he opened his eyes, our gazes locked, captivating both of us. Overwhelmed with emotions, I entered my home, cradling him gently. Placing him on the couch, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by his beautiful face and chubby cheeks. Despite my tiredness, I couldn't resist the urge to give Alex a soothing bath and dress him in fresh clothes.

Alex's POV

As I am lifted up, my eyes slowly open. I find myself gazing into the captivating eyes of the woman who purchased me, and they are undeniably the most enchanting eyes I have ever seen. She stands there, observing me, after placing me on a soft and pleasant surface. I can't help but wonder what her intentions are, whether she plans to use me for her own desires or not.

Suddenly, she cradles me in her arms and carries me to the bathroom, where she prepares a warm bath. My heart sinks with a sense of shame as she undresses me. The sound of water splashing fills the room as she gently lowers me into the tub. As she tenderly washes me with a warm cloth, tiny droplets of water tickle my skin. I feel an overwhelming sense of comfort and security in her embrace, as if I am wrapped in a cocoon of love. Her smile radiates adoration and happiness, and in that moment, all my worries in the world simply vanish.

Nicole's POV

I can't help but smile as I hold my precious son in my arms, feeling the warm water of the bath gently caress his delicate skin. His innocent eyes meet mine, filled with love and trust. I lean down and plant a tender kiss on his forehead, marveling at his flawless perfection. As I lovingly lather him with soap, I inhale his sweet scent, and my heart overflows with joy at the privilege of being his mommy. This precious moment of bathing him is a cherished bond we share together.

After the bath, I take him to the nursery and carefully change his diaper, dressing him in an adorable fox onesie. "It's time for bed, my little peanut, but first, let's have some milk," I whisper to him. There is nothing quite like sitting in my rocking chair, cradling my baby close to me as he feeds from my breast. The delight I feel watching him settle into a routine and nourish himself from me is immeasurable. I am immensely proud of him and the beautiful connection we are building. I am grateful for this time and the special bond that is already blossoming between us.

As I tuck my baby boy into his crib, a wave of love washes over me. His peaceful face in the depths of slumber fills my heart with warmth. I gaze at him dreamily as I pull his blankets up to his chin, ensuring his comfort. I carefully check his fresh diaper, making sure it fits snugly against his tiny body. Everything is prepared for a restful night's sleep.

All that remains is for me to give him a tender goodnight kiss and whisper how much I love him. Before I leave the room, I linger for a moment longer, savoring the sight of his beautiful face one last time before gently closing the door.

As I make my way downstairs, I quickly grab my phone and initiate a group call with my friends.

"I have news!" I exclaim.

"What news?" Cynder asks eagerly.

"I found my baby!" I announce.

"Whoa, wait, what baby?" Angelina questions.

"The one I've been searching for at the auction," I clarify.

Courtney chimes in, "That's amazing! How old is he in little space?"

I brush off the question and reply, "I'll tell you all about it in a few days. I want to bond with him first before introducing him to everyone."

Cassidy expresses her excitement, "We can't wait to meet him! Congratulations, Nicole!"

I smile, feeling grateful for the support of my friends. "Thanks, guys. I'm really excited to start this new chapter in my life."

As we continue to chat, I make my way to the kitchen to grab a quick snack. I can't help but feel a sense of relief and happiness wash over me. After months of searching and waiting, I finally found my perfect little. I can't wait to shower him with love and affection, and to create new memories together.

As I munch on some chips, I listen to my friends talk about their own lives and adventures. It's comforting to know that I have such a supportive group of people in my life, who are always there to listen and offer advice.

After a while, we say our goodbyes and I head back upstairs to my room. I take a deep breath and smile, feeling excited for what the future holds. With my friends by my side and my little in my arms, I know that anything is possible.

After hanging up the phone, I crawl into bed with excitement for the upcoming day. I can't wait to spend time with Alex and create new memories that will strengthen our bond.

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