Chapter 16

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When I woke up, I saw that the walls were filled with posters of boys. They had these tiny lights, just like the ones grandpa put on the tree yesterday. The lights were hanging down from the ceiling, making the room look magical. As I glanced at one of the shelves, I noticed a collection of stuffed animals and horse statues. But something was different about them - they all had a peculiar cone-shaped thing on their heads.

As I sit up in my crib, my tummy starts making funny noises. I feel like crying, but then the door to the room opens slowly. One of the twins walks in, but I can't tell which one it is. He comes over to my crib and says, "Hey little guy, you're finally awake! It's time for breakfast, and guess what? We're all going somewhere special!" I try to talk, but all that comes out is babbling. He laughs and says, "Yeah, we're going shopping! Let me take you to your mommy." He scoops me up from under my arms and gently takes me out of my crib, walking away from the room. He holds me so carefully, as if I might explode at any moment.

As he stepped into the kitchen, he maintained a firm grip on me, ensuring that I remained at arms length from his body. When grandma saw what happened, she screamed really loud and mommy quickly picked me up and held me tight in her arms to keep me safe. As soon as I was safe, grandpa gave Paul a big slap on the back of his head while mommy and grandma yelled at him for carrying me in such a dangerous way.
"What on earth were you thinking, carrying Alex like that? You could have accidentally dropped him!" grandma screamed angrily.
"Never ever carry a baby like that," grandpa scolded Paul as he slapped him on the back of his head once again.
"Why did you carry Alex like that, Paul? He could have slipped or you could have dropped him! If I ever catch you carrying Alex like that again, I'll be so mad at you," mommy said with tears in her eyes.

Paul kept repeating sorry over and over until mommy said it's ok your still young just before mommy walked away I could see grandma give Paul a hug and was talking to him quietly. As I was gently placed on her cozy bed, mommy started to change my diaper, playfully making silly noises at me. I couldn't help but giggle with delight. Just as my fresh diaper was snugly fastened, grandma entered the room, carrying a set of clothes which she handed to mommy.

"Thank you, mom! He's going to look absolutely adorable in these," mommy exclaimed with joy

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"Thank you, mom! He's going to look absolutely adorable in these," mommy exclaimed with joy.

Mommy made sure I was all bundled up in warm clothes. Then, she put a bib on my clean clothes. She moved her bra cup and showed me her big breast. She guided my mouth to her nipple so I could have my milk. While I have my milk from mommy, she lovingly strokes my hair.

Mommy puts me in my car seat in grandpa's car. Mommy sits next to me, and the twins are in the back of the big car with Aunt Claire. Grandpa and grandma are in the front. As grandpa drives, Paul and Robert keep arguing in the backseat. Suddenly, mommy turns around and yells at both of them, "Can you please be quiet? You're giving me a headache!"

The loud sound scared me and I couldn't help but cry. It was making me feel really scared. But then Claire held my hand and said, "Don't worry, Alex. Those boys are being mean. We'll show them." She gave the twins a stern look and whispered something to mommy.

Grandpa stopped the car in front of a gigantic and super long building. The twins hopped out first, bouncing around like wild little monkeys. Mommy and Aunt Claire quickly got out and each grabbed one of the twins. Meanwhile, Grandma took me out of my car seat. Mommy and Aunt Claire had Paul and Robert in headlocks, playfully messing up their hair. "Next time, we'll make it even crazier," Mommy said with a mischievous smile.

Suddenly, Grandpa raised his voice, "Nicole Claire, you're old enough to know better! Will you four stop that nonsense?" He was clearly annoyed. The twins and Mommy and Aunt Claire immediately stopped their playful antics and looked at Grandpa with guilty expressions.

When we arrived, grandpa took the stroller out of the car, and grandma carefully fastened me into it. But then, something unexpected happened! Grandma, mommy, and aunty Claire started arguing about who would have the honor of pushing me around. It was like a little competition between them, and I couldn't help but giggle at their enthusiasm. In the end grandma won.

As we go into the Mall it's so buy lots with lots of shop. It looks so pretty with all the lights and real big  Christmas tree. It smells so yummy too, like cookies and cinnamon. It feels so cozy and nice inside.

In the middle of the Mall, there is a huge ice-skating rink. People who are really good at skating and people who are just learning can all skate there. It's so cool to watch them glide on the smooth ice. But really funny too.

Everyone left me with grandpa outside one of the shops we can hear people singing Christmas songs. They are dressed up in pretty clothes and they sing so happily. When they all came back out without anything.
"what the hell took you so dam long if you didn't buy anything" grandpa said sounding very impatient.

I noticed mommy and grandpa discussing something about Santa. Mommy looked at me and then at grandpa. She suggested, "Why don't we take Alex to see Santa?" Grandpa seemed to agree with mommy's idea and said, "That's clever! It means we won't have to carry everything." Aunty Claire joined in the conversation and playfully pushed the stroller while joking with mommy.

There are so many little boys and girls in this line, and we're all waiting to see someone called Santa. He's a really big man with a big tummy, a white beard, and he's wearing a red suit and hat. He's sitting on a giant chair, and all the other kids like me are taking turns sitting on his lap and talking to him. Their mommies and daddies are standing right beside them. I'm wondering what they're all talking about with this strange-looking man.

When mommy put me on Santa's lap, I got really scared and started screaming. Uncle Robert took a picture of me while tears were rolling down my face. The big, chubby man gave me back to mommy, and as soon as she held me in her arms, I started to feel better. Uncle Paul then gave me a pacifier to help me calm down. Grandma was pushing the stroller while mommy carried me.

"I think we have everything we need, so it's time to go home," grandpa said. Everyone agreed and said, "yeah." Mommy then told grandpa, "Dad, I think Alex will probably fall asleep during the drive home."

The next thing I know is I'm being placed into my crib.


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