Chapter 13

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Nicole's POV

It's been three agonizing days, and I'm yearning for him to wake up soon. All I can think about is taking him home and finally bonding with him. I've been sitting by my baby's crib in the hospital, praying and hoping for any sign of movement. The night passed with no indication of him stirring. I refused to leave his side; I had made up my mind to stay at the hospital until he woke up. After about three hours, he suddenly moved his tiny limbs, and the sweetest cry escaped his lips. When a nurse came in to remove his feeding tube, the other staff in the room expressed their joy.

After all the tests were completed, and it was confirmed that the hypothesis was successful, I was finally allowed to feed my baby. The nurse brought me a bottle, but I shook my head.
"No, no, no, I want my baby to have my milk, not some artificial formula."
The nurse approached me before I could bring my baby to my breast.
"Nicole, you do realize that feeding your baby your milk will slow down his aging and extend his life; he will essentially become one of us." She left the room, and I finally could feed my boy.

I cradle my precious baby boy in my arms, nourishing him with the warmth of my embrace as he peacefully nurses. In these quiet moments, it's as if the world fades away and it's just the two of us, sharing an unbreakable bond. The way he eagerly drinks from my breast and the way his hair brushes against my fingertips fills my heart with an indescribable joy and pride. This fleeting bliss won't last forever, but I'll forever cherish these memories and hold them close to my heart. As he finishes his meal and drifts off to sleep, I know that I've given him something precious, something that only a mother can provide. Tomorrow, the doctor will entrust me with the responsibility of caring for him at home, and I couldn't be more grateful for this opportunity to shower him with love and care.

My friends and I are gathered around the television at home, chatting and joking.

"He is finally the way he should be, and because I have been breastfeeding him for for a while, his ageing will slow to a crawl" .

Cynder "Oh Nicole, that's great news!"

"So, how long before he can talk, and have you given him medication to aid with that?"

"I've been mixing it with his bottle." I give him two per day, therefore at his current rate of development, it could be two to three years before he can talk, making him only one year old in our years. Crawling will undoubtedly happen at the same time while walking could take three and a half years."

"Well, as soon as he starts talking, we should all bring our kids out for a play date; it will be so cute to watch them all together" .

"Well, I think we should wait until he can talk; all we have to do is remind our kiddos that he is very young and that they must be extra careful while playing."

"You are correct." I believe that exposing him to other young children will benefit him in the long run, so why don't we start having play dates? We'll have to do things anyway, so should I employ a nanny or enrol Alex in nursery? What did each of you do? "I could really benefit from your advice. I'm not sure what to do."

"Lindsey and I have Erick in nursery, which has helped him with his speech impediment."

"I'd never put my Jake in a nursery because you never know what he'll catch in one of those places."

"Excuse me, I work in one, and we keep them very clean, and little ones are less likely to get sick on our planet."

"Cynder is right." "My little Brandon loves being able to play with Sarah, Fiona, and all the others. I would definitely put Alex in the precious nursery; they take Alex's age."

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