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Hello to everyone!

This is my first fanfiction on Wattpad, or like, ever. However, it's not my first time writing, so I do have experience. I also have not watched all the Marvel movies, so some things might be a bit different from what you know. Most of what I know from Marvel has come from reading fanfictions here on Wattpad.

I don't have an updating schedule, so updates will be a bit random. I'm really sorry if this would inconvenience some of you.

Also, I only write for the fun of it, so please no hateful comments. I appreciate constructive criticism, so that's good. Please remember to vote/like and comment, because I'm quite excited to see your opinions on my story!


Please refrain from cursing since I really do not want to get into the habit of cursing. This will, hopefully, be a rather clean book with the occasional "heck" or "hell".

No bullying, racism, or anything of the sort in the comments. :)

Now, the first chapter will be out soon, but please save this to your libraries so you can get update notifications. I'll try my best to keep going and not to discontinue this!

~ Lyn

Words: 201

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