Chapter 28

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Peter glanced over his shoulder, beaming at the blue, black, and red suit sitting crumpled on the table. "You uploaded the AI?" 

"Yup," Harley tossed his wrench, catching it as it fell. "Stole the code from Dad, but it should work. Wanna try it on?" He pointed at the suit with the wrench. 

"Yes!" Peter shouted, grabbing it. "Be right back!" 

He bolted into the adjoining bathroom, and Harley laughed at him. A minute later, the door burst open and his brother stepped into the lab. 

Harley's eyes widened. The material spread over his little brother's body, the spider icon glinting in the lighting. The gloves showed off Peter's nimble fingers, and the white eyes were narrowing and widening as Peter checked them out. 

"Whoa!" Peter said. 

"Wow, you look like a hero," Harley said, impressed. "I wonder what it would look like swinging through the city." 

Peter smiled at him devilishly. 

"What?" Harley demanded cautiously. 

Needless to say, a couple seconds later, the two of them swung out of the lab window. 

~ Lyn 

Words: 180

Dedicated to Fanficthor for this idea. I actually remembered it from so long ago!! 

If anyone has any more ideas that they would like, let me know in the comments or on my feed! 

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