Chapter 30

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"THANKS HAPPY," HARLEY said warmly, Peter repeating him. As the sleek black car drove away, Peter turned to the building of Midtown School of Science and Technology. 

"I can't do this," he whispered, his eyes wide. 

Harley placed his hand on his shoulder. "You can, Pete," he assured him. "You're the strongest person—literally—I've ever met." 

They shared a smile, remembering what had happened a couple nights ago. Peter had been arm wrestling Tony, beating him, then Steve, and he'd won both times. He would've arm wrestled Clint but he had left days before, searching for his best friend. 

They were all searching for Natasha—but it was like she'd disappeared off the face of Earth. They couldn't find her. 

"Okay," Peter sighed. "Let's do this, then." 

They walked into the school, nerves tying a knot in Peter's stomach. Would anyone notice that he was different now? Would they ask? 

"Harley!" a girl cried out, flying into his older brother. Peter watched in amusement as Harley staggered back, his arms circling around Gwen Stacy. Gwen turned, her smile widening at the sight of Peter. "Peter!" she exclaimed. "I haven't seen you since...that is the wound?" 

"Practically non-existent." Peter gave her a small smile. 

"That's good." Gwen stepped back from Harley. "Come on, you two, MJ and Ned are waiting for you!" 

She grasped both their wrists and dragged them to the lockers, where Ned was bouncing on his feet and MJ had her nose in her book. 

"Loser," she greeted Harley without looking up. 

"Dude!" Ned bro-hugged Harley. "You didn't respond to my text laa—" he trailed off, his eyes wide as he stared at Peter. "Peter?" 

"Hi," Peter said, smiling shyly. 

MJ looked up from her book, surprised. "You're different," she noted, eyeing him. 

His heart sped up. "Huh?" 

"You're different," MJ narrowed her eyes. "What are you?" 

With his heart in his throat, he tilted his head in confusion. "Umm," he started, panicking. 

"I'm just kidding, I don't care." She looked back down at her book. 

"You're Mr. Stark's long lost son!" Ned breathed out in excitement. "Where've you been—" 

"Ned." Harley raised a brow in warning. 

"Oh, sorry," Ned grinned. 

The bell rang, and the four glanced up to the ceiling. Peter hadn't been removed from the class lists, so he still followed the same schedule as before. 

"Come on, Pete," Harley said, grabbing his brother's arm. As they went out of earshot, Harley murmured, "You okay?" 

Peter smiled faintly, nodding. "Yeah. I think so." 

~ Lyn 

Words: 420 

I know, I know, I'm not sure when I last updated but it had been such an annoying, work-filled week! 

Please forgive me :( 

Here's a question: favorite ship in MCU? 

Thanks for reading! Remember to comment, share, or vote! 

Love you all!  

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