Chapter 24

43 3 5

9 years old, 7 years after capture, AFTER SERUM


He lay sprawled on the floor his chest heaving with sobs as another wave of pain hit him. Bile rose to his throat and he fought it down. 

His stomach ached. 

He was hungry. 

He whimpered, bringing his hands up, but he realized he was stuck. His hands couldn't move. 

He cried out in pain and hunger, squeezing his eyes shut. 

He wasn't sure how long he lay there, alone and hungry. It could've been five minutes, five hours, five days...who knew? 

But as he lay there, his heart broke. He felt lonely. He felt sad. 

But he didn't know why

It broke him, little by little. He didn't understand. He didn't want to understand. 

Why was he alone? 

He wanted to leave. He wanted to just...go away. 

He wanted it to end. 

Little did he know, his new life was beginning tomorrow. 

~ Lyn 

Words: 156 

So sorry I haven't updated in like, four days and that this chapter is really small. 

But, I mean, better short than never, am I right?  

Well, yeah...this is kinda awkward. Okay. Bye! 

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