See You Again (Prologue)

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Finally, after many passing eras since "The Split", the Tree of Life was unified back in Exoplanet under the light of a Super Blue Blood Moon. The twelve guardian legends greeted each other as they, once again, stood on the same ground under the same sky. However, the problem was far from over. Now that the Tree of Life is back in one piece, the Red Force was becoming more desperate to ultimately claim the Tree for themselves. This turned into an all-out battle referred to as "The War".

Thus, The War raged on for decades, until finally, the Red Force had been successfully purified. But as much as the guardian legends wanted to celebrate, their victory came with a hefty price. Half of the guardian legends had to give up their lives in exchange for getting rid of the Red Force from Exoplanet once and for all.

"Why? Why do you have to do this?" the guardian legend of fire cried as he held the weakened body of his significant other, the guardian legend of light. The other guardian legend pairs were in similar postures.

"It's for the greater good," the guardian of light weakly smiled as he forced his hand to caress the cheeks of his crying partner.

"We had to make sure that Exoplanet will be safe from now on," the guardian legend of frost reasoned while he was being straddled by the weeping guardian legend of lightning.

"We could have found another way," the guardian legend of wind managed to blurt out in between his sobs.

"You know there is no better way. Take my word for it," the guardian legend of wisdom reassured his wind guardian legend.

"Don't worry. We do not regret our decision," the guardian legend of time intertwined his hand with the guardian legend of the sky.

"If there is one thing we do regret, it's that we won't get to see you again," the guardian legend of travel managed to come up with a cheesy line despite his staggered breaths.

"But what about me? Or us?" the guardian legend of the earth bawled on the chest of the legend of travel.

"Continue to live for our sake. Exoplanet still needs you, even without us," the guardian legend of health made them realize.

"But how do I live without you? I want to know," the guardian legend of water answered his guardian legend of health. "How do I breathe without you if you ever go?"

"How do I ever survive?" the guardian legend of lightning said.

"How do I..." the guardian legend of the sky mumbled. "Oh, how do I live?"

Amidst all that was happening, six of the guardian legends glowed as they slowly broke off into orbs of light being blown away by the gentle spring breeze toward the clouds.

"We apologize but we can't do anything to save them," the leader of the Mystics apologized as the area was enveloped with somberness.

The surviving guardian legends stayed silent, the reality of losing their significant others still not sinking in. That was until the Tree of Life shone in an undulating manner.

"Yes... yes..." the leader of the Mystics was sort of talking to the Tree in a reverent tone.

"What is it? What's happening?" the guardian legend of fire turned his attention to the Tree and the dazed Mystics.

"We will convey the message," the leader of the Mystics replied to the Tree before the said Tree stopped emanating dazzling light.

"What did the Tree tell you?" the guardian legend of the sky demanded.

"Fret not for not all is lost. For after all you have been through, both fate and destiny have taken pity on you," one of the Mystics started.

"What does that even mean?" the guardian legend of lightning was confused.

"When the orb of the night is once again near, red and, blue, the lives of the six fallen legends shall start to renew. As an empty slate shall they walk this place, until their true love brings them back to grace."

"Is that a prophecy?" the guardian legend of water noticed.

"Yes," another mystic answered.

"But you do know the meaning, don't you?" the guardian legend of wind had expectations.

"Fortunately, yes," yet another mystic answered.

"So?" the guardian legend of fire was impatient.

"'When the orb of the night is once again near, red and, blue' means the next Super Blue Blood Moon. 'The lives of the six fallen legends shall start to renew' means 'reincarnation'. 'As an empty slate shall they walk this place' means that all memories of them will be blurred from everyone on Exoplanet, you will remember them but not their names nor how they look. Finally, 'until their true love brings them back to grace' means that the six of you must find your significant other to make them a guardian legend again."

"So what you are saying is that starting on the next Super Blue Blood Moon, each of our partners will reincarnate one by one back here in Exoplanet. However, no one will be able to remember what their name is or what they look like until we find them and they become legends again," the guardian legend of the earth clarified.

"Yes, however, there are certain exemptions."

"What would those be?"

"Your memories of each other will be restored completely the moment your lips first touch each other. This was intended to verify whether or not they are indeed your rightful partners," another mystic explained.

"In that case, we need to reincarnate too," the legend of water suggested.

"Why should we?" the legend of wind questioned.

"For our ages to match with theirs when they reincarnate," the legend of the earth easily deduced the reason.

"Exactly," the legend of water confirmed. "Mystics, is there any way to achieve that?"

"That could certainly be arranged through a spell."

"In that case, we should prepare for their return. There's a lot to do with Exoplanet," the guardian legend of the sky determined while looking at the devastation on the main settlement.

All of a sudden, a ring of light swept across Exoplanet, healing all injured living organisms and repairing all damaged objects.

"What was that? It made everything pristine again," the guardian of the wind was confused.

"Whatever it was, it dramatically lessened the work we have to do," the guardian of lightning pointed out.

"By the way, when is the next Super Blue Blood Moon?" the legend of fire inquired.

"It comes every two-hundred sixty-five years and the last time it appeared was during your return to Exoplanet," one of the Mystics recalled. "So, the next Super Blue Blood Moon will be in twenty-five years."

With that information, the six remaining legends all thought, "In twenty-five years, I will see you again." 

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