25: Mr. Ambiguous

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The week passed through quite fast. It was already Friday afternoon and the weather is great for a weekend hangout. So, with all the things that happened lately, Suho made the Executive Secretary rent a whole restaurant so that they could enjoy the night in peace. When Yoo Jaeseok sent him an address, he passed it to the seven other legends.

Short before the appointed time, all of them reached the predetermined address. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were the last ones to arrive.

"Chanyeol-ah, Kyungsoo-ya, where are Baekhyun-ah and Kai-ya?" Suho noticed the missing legends.

"The two of them promised their friends for a sleep-over so they cannot join us tonight," Kyungsoo mentioned the reason.

"They said they're sorry, hyung," Chanyeol added while taking a seat.

"It's okay. We cannot force them to just abandon their friends because of us," Suho understood the excuse.

"After all, Nini told me the six of them grew up together in an orphanage and stuck with each other until now," Kyungsoo casually stated.

"Excuse me? Can you please repeat that?" Chen was alarmed by something.

"All of six of them grew up in an orphanage?" Kyungsoo slowly repeated what he said.

"And when you say the six of them, you mean..." Chen was seeing more details.

"The six new employees: Baekhyun-hyung, Nini, Zitao-ssi, Yixing-ssi, Luhan-ssi, and Minseok-ssi," Kyungsoo clarified.

"Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness," Chen suddenly became restless.

"What's wrong with you, hyung?" Sehun was worried.

"Okay. Okay. I'm still ninety-five percent sure but I think I may have an idea who could be my legend of frost," Chen said cautiously.

"That's great, hyung! I was about to say it but I also might know who my legend of wisdom might be," Sehun admitted.

"Might as well spill the beans. I may have also found out who could be my legend of time," Kris joined the fray.

"Really? That's great, then!" Chanyeol did a series of fist bumps to Chen, Sehun, and Kris.

"Settle down. Settle down. They must first pass two criteria: the age and the first meeting," Kyungsoo was being rational. "First question: Do the people you are suspecting fit the age bracket, that is from eight months older than Kris-hyung to not younger than Sehun?"

"Yes. He is just nearly eight months older than Kris-hyung," Chen was sure.

"According to his profile, he is just seven months older than Kris-hyung," Sehun nodded.

"Mine is someone close to your age, Kyungsoo. His age is within the limit," Kris answered.

"And now for the second criterion: does your first interaction coincide with the first glowing of your symbols?" Kyungsoo stated.

"If what he told me is true, then yes," Sehun was positive.

"His story and my memory back up each other," Chen said.

"Everything checks out so far," Kris moved his head in affirmation.

"In that case, how did you find out?" Suho moved things along.

"Remember when I told you that our symbols glowed when I attended a dissertation defense at SMC University as a panel member but had to leave early due to an emergency? As it turned out, he was the author of the only dissertation paper I managed to evaluate. Perhaps, during the question and answer portion of the defense, it was our first meeting and conversation," Sehun laid out the details.

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