7: That's What Friends Are For

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After a long first day at work, the six new employees of the Central Office were back at their own penthouse apartment.

"Thanks for driving, hyung!" all of them told Xiumin.

Luhan and Baekhyun immediately started cooking dinner for everyone after changing clothes. They were just preparing a simple dinner with budae-jjigae as the main dish. Nearly an hour passed and the six of them finally sat around the dining table.

"How was everyone's first day of work?" Baekhyun asked, still chipper after a long day.

"I guess the same goes for everyone. I met with everyone in the department and the assistant chief, Taeyong-ssi, gave me a tour of the office. He, then, took me to meet the guardian legend of wind, His Excellence Oh Sehun," Luhan recalled what transpired earlier in the day.

"Our assistant chief, Qian Kun, is super nice. After I was introduced to everyone, Kun-ssi took me to the guardian legend of water's office, His Excellence Kim Junmyeon," Lay had a similar story to Luhan.

"Jennie-ssi, our assistant chief, was just fine. She helped me settle down and accompanied me to His Excellence Wu Yifan, the guardian legend of the sky," Tao stated.

Did anything out of the ordinary happen when you met the legends?" Minseok suddenly shifted the topic. "Because while I was meeting His Excellence Kim Jongdae, the guardian legend of lightning, he asked what is my age. At that point, I thought it was nothing out of the ordinary, so I replied with my real age. But things took an abrupt turn when he asked if we had met before. What's worse is that I lied by answering 'no'. I just lied to my childhood crush!"

"Why did you even lie?" Luhan was surprised by Xiumin's actions.

"I don't know. I was nervous since I was standing in front of one of Exoplanet's guardian legends and probably just answered in the spur of the moment," Xiumin explained. "Thankfully, not His Excellence nor our assistant chief, Namjoon-ssi, noticed anything."

"It's okay, hyung. It was just a small lie, it doesn't even matter even if you told the truth," Lay consoled. Lay and the rest didn't even know how life-changing the truth could have been right at that moment.

"How about the rest?"

"Irene-nuna made everything easy for me to adjust," Baekhyun started. "I have also made a courtesy with the guardian legend of fire, His Excellence Park Chanyeol. However, during the whole time, he was staring at me as if he was inspecting me or looking for something. I was not uncomfortable, though, in fact, his stare gave me a sense of familiarity."

"Perhaps hyung did something that would cause him to stare at you?" Tao opened the idea.

"I also thought I did. But when I asked Irene-nuna if I did something wrong, she said she did not notice anything," Baekhyun replied. "He did see me in passing before at Ten Premiers University so I may have looked familiar to him to some degree and he just can't remember. After all, we both graduated with our master's degrees in the same university in the same year."

"That would explain it in a way," Xiumin nodded.

"As for me, Solar-ssi was about to take me to the office when suddenly, the guardian legend of the earth, His Excellence Do Kyungsoo, entered the office of the Department of Transportation to personally deliver some documents. Although it was not the original plan, we did an impromptu courtesy call right then and there," Kai laughed when he remembered what happened.

"Anything unusual happened?"

"Oh, yes. His Excellence stuttered while talking to me. Can you even imagine that? How could someone as perfect as His Excellence stutter while he was talking to me?" Kai was enthusiastically telling his experience. "And then, I accidentally blurted out 'cute' since I did find his stuttering cute and he blushed. HE BLUSHED, I TELL YOU! And he looked even cuter with his face red."

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