2: Manic Monday

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"It's still early. Who could that be?"

Kai, the youngest among the six, opened the door to check who rang the bell. After a glance, he returned to the dining table holding six beige-like colored envelopes.

"Who was it, Kai?" Xiumin asked the maknae.

"It must be the mailman as I found these letters outside," Kai deduced.

"For whom are the letters?" Luhan probed.

Kai checked the letters one by one before responding, "One for each of us, it seems."

"Wait, isn't that the official color of Exoplanet, Cosmic Latte?" Baekhyun noticed.

"Then, what could these letters be?" Tao said.

Kai distributed the letters to their respective owners. The atmosphere became tense due to the unexpected official letters.

"Who will open their letter first?" Lay was hesitant.

"As the eldest, Xiumin-hyung should," Baekhyun passed on the responsibility.

"Then, we shall do it according to age. I will open mine first," Xiumin finalized.

Kim Minseok-nim

After a thorough review of your papers and credentials, the Guardian Legend of Lightning, who is currently acting as the head of the Department of Security and Defense, would like to have you and your expertise as a working member of the Department of Security and Defense in the Eri Central Office. We will be expecting your presence starting March 28, Tuesday.

Rest assured your previous company was informed and agreed to these arrangements.

Kwon Boah

Executive Human Resource Officer

"Is this real?" Xiumin could not believe what he was reading. "Luhan, open yours."

Upon Xiumin's request, Luhan opened the envelope addressed to him.

Lu Han-nim

After a thorough review of your papers and credentials, the Guardian Legend of Wind, who is currently acting as the head of the Department of Education, would like to have you and your expertise as a working member of the Department of Education in the Eri Central Office. We will be expecting your presence starting March 28, Tuesday.

Rest assured your previous company was informed and agreed to these arrangements.

Kwon Boah

Executive Human Resource Officer

"I guess I have the same letter as you," Luhan's tone was in disbelief.

"My turn," Lay announced.

Zhang Yixing-nim

After a thorough review of your papers and credentials, the Guardian Legend of Water, who is currently acting as the head of the Department of Food and Health, would like to have you and your expertise as a working member of the Department of Food and Health in the Eri Building Central Office. We will be expecting your presence starting March 28, Tuesday.

Rest assured your previous company was informed and agreed to these arrangements.

Kwon Boah

Executive Human Resource Officer

"If the three of you got the same letter from the same colored envelope, then that must mean..." Baekhyun could not finish his statement as he opened his letter.

Byun Baekhyun-nim

After a thorough review of your papers and credentials, the Guardian Legend of Fire, who is currently acting as the head of the Department of Natural Resources, would like to have you and your expertise as a working member of the Department of Natural Resources in the Eri Central Office. We will be expecting your presence starting March 28, Tuesday.

Rest assured your previous company was informed and agreed to these arrangements.

Kwon Boah

Executive Human Resource Officer

"Let me read mine then," Tao immediately followed suit.

Huang Zitao-nim

After a thorough review of your papers and credentials, the Guardian Legend of the Sky, who is currently acting as the head of the Department of Infrastructure, would like to have you and your expertise as a working member of the Department of Infrastructure in the Eri Central Office. We will be expecting your presence starting March 28, Tuesday.

Rest assured your previous company was informed and agreed to these arrangements.

Kwon Boah

Executive Human Resource Officer

"And finally, my letter," Kai slowly opened his envelope.

Kim Jongin-nim

After a thorough review of your papers and credentials, the Guardian Legend of the earth, who is currently acting as the head of the Department of Transportation, would like to have you and your expertise as a working member of the Department of Transportation in the Eri Central Office. We will be expecting your presence starting March 28, Tuesday.

Rest assured your previous company was informed and agreed to these arrangements.

Kwon Boah

Executive Human Resource Officer

Now, one might be confused about how the six of them could have different surnames when just yesterday, Luhan mentioned how the six of them are basically a family. Well, if you take a look at their past, the six of them were orphans and were raised together in a foster home. That is why they developed their friendship early on and decided to stick together growing up.

Back to the sextet, realizing that all of them received virtually the same letter, they could not believe they were being "promoted" to work in the Central Office. With doubts in their minds, they decided to call their previous companies for confirmation, and so, the six scattered across their shared penthouse apartment.

Several minutes passed and the residents of the penthouse apartment were gathered back around the dining table.

"My security agency, Brand New, confirmed. The Central Office contacted them about it and gladly gave me up to the Central Office," Xiumin revealed.

"Chromosome Hospital was also contacted and was proud to have one of their employees elevated to the Eri Central Office," Lay was just calm about everything.

"The publishing house I was working for, Imagination Venture, also willingly gave me up," Luhan just sighed.

"My driving school, Rover, just confirmed it to me direct to the point," Kai was scratching his head.

"The HR department of our construction company, Adore The Road, agreed to it also," Tao was slowly accepting the truth.

"The Bureau of Tourism field office in UN Village also confirmed my transfer to the Central Office," Baekhyun was the last person to end the call.

"How did the Central Office get a hold of our pertinent paper by the way?" Kai questioned.

"However it happened, we have no other choice. We need to show up for work starting tomorrow," the truth was slowly sinking into Xiumin. "So, instead of a movie marathon, how about we take the whole day in enhancing our wearing apparel?"

"You mean we go shopping?" Tao's ears perked up.

"Count me in!" Baekhyun declared.

With a quick change of plans, the six visited the nearest mall for a much-needed wardrobe upgrade.

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