42: Don't Fight The Feeling

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"Minseok-hyung, how is Yixing-ssi?" Namjoon asked.

"He's stable after the hospital performed a gastric lavage to empty his stomach. They said it was to avoid his body absorbing the poison more," Xiumin answered. "After emptying his stomach, they administered the antidote. But they noted how lucky Lay was. If it wasn't for the medicinal liquor it could have been more serious."

"Is anyone with him there?" Hoseok was curious.

"No. No one is with him at this moment. When he regained consciousness near midnight, he insisted we attend work in the morning and that he would be fine in the hospital," Xiumin replied. "I did not argue. After all, Jungkook-ah placed officers to guard his room."

"Goodness gracious! Last night was crazy!" Jin dramatically dropped to his seat.

"Took you long enough to bring that up," Namjoon placed his hands on and massaged both of Jin's shoulders. "I thought you were going to talk about it as soon as you arrived here based on how you kept waking me up last night for having nightmares."

"Jimin was so scared, he did not let go of me last night," Yoongi revealed.

Blushing heavily, Jimin countered, "As if you weren't begging to be cuddled last night. You were trembling while sleeping!"

"You guys had the chance to sleep?" Jungkook's voice was muffled by the pillow he buried his face on. "Tae was so scared last night, he wasn't able to sleep and decided he shouldn't suffer alone."

"So that's why Taehyung is out cold on his desk. You should take a nap as well, Jungkook. Take Taehyung with you in the break room. If there's anything we need, we'll wake you up," Hoseok advised.

As per recommendation, Jungkook carried his Taehyung bridal-style to the break room. Quite frankly, almost everyone was so troubled about the poisoning last night that most of the Eri Central Building was in a state between awake and asleep.

But still, work life goes on. Chen entered the office of the Department of Security and Defense to deliver some news. He giggled when he saw everyone fighting the sleepiness in their system.

"Good morning, everyone. It seems like sleep has been lacking on this part of the building as well," Chen could relate as well. "Before you let sleep in, please hear me out first. Minseok-ssi, I consulted the Bureau of Technological Application, Invention, and Innovation about your plan to use body cams on police officers and they agreed it is feasible. So, for that, I would like to praise your brilliant idea."

"Thank you, Your Excellence," Xiumin bowed.

"Truly, Minseok-ssi has been a huge blessing to this department. He already has contributed so much in his short time here so far," Chen continued to shower Xiumin with compliments. "Please, use this as an inspiration and perform our duties to the best of our abilities."

"Yes, Your Excellence."

"For now, I think you deserve some power naps. Don't fight the feeling of sleepiness anymore. I heard it's bad for your mental health," Chen told everyone. "I might also sleep for a bit in my office."

Xiumin saw Chen retreat to his office with a yawn. So, he decided to fetch some twisted donuts from the cafeteria so Chen could have something to fill his stomach along with the warm coffee.

Xiumin stood up stealthily, noticing that most of his coworkers were napping. He took a few steps before the voice of Tamyok stopped him in his tracks.

"Where are you going, Minseok-ssi?" Tamyok whispered.

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