38: Wannabe

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The weekend passed through in a flash. If there was anything significant that happened during the weekend though, it was Xiumin being officially introduced to Kris and Suho. The weekend, however, brought a spark of inspiration to Xiumin. He was going to tell Jungkook about it after lunch.

"Jungkook-ah, I have an idea about the police officer problems," Xiumin opened the conversation while the eight of them were still riding the elevator.

"What is it, hyung?" Jungkook was curious, so with the rest of the people inside the elevator.

"Cameras. Cameras could be a solution," Xiumin laid out his idea.

"Right! I read a section about cameras in your notebook before, hyung. I can't recall what it was," Namjoon was racking 148 IQ brain for the memory.

"Cameras? Like CCTVs?" Taehyung misunderstood.

"The base idea should be in my notebook of ideas on my desk, but just to give you an idea, you know how motorcyclists today attach a camera onto their helmets to record the events in case of an accident? We could use that concept," Xiumin explained.

"Interesting," Suga commented just as the elevator opened.

They silently walked to their office in order not to disturb Hana, the receptionist, taking a short nap. When Xiumin reached his desk, he looked for his notebook of ideas. He looked everywhere on his workstation but it was not there.

"My notebook's missing," Xiumin said a little too loud.

"Your notebook of ideas, hyung?" Hoseok was the first to react.

"I just left it open here on my desk when we headed for lunch. And now, it's gone," Xiumin told his coworkers.

"Let's look for it. It should be here somewhere," Jin initiated the search.

They searched each of their workstations in case Xiumin misplaced it but to no avail. No matter how hard they looked, the notebook was not in sight.

While they were searching, Chen and Tamyok emerged from the office of the legend of frost deep in a conversation. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and focused their attention on Chen.

While slightly taken aback by the fact that everyone's attention was on him, Chen still managed to say, "Everyone, a great idea was proposed by Tamyok-ssi regarding the request from the police bureau."

"What is it, Your Excellence?" Jungkook responded as the executive assistant of the bureau.

"Cameras. She suggested using cameras," Chen said and noticed that the people in front of him were exchanging looks. "Why? Any problem?"

"Well, Your Excellence, Minseok-hyung was just talking to us about using cameras as well," Jimin mentioned.

"That's too bad. I'm the first to suggest it. It's my original idea," Tamyok said with a condescending look.

"Would you like to elaborate on your idea?" Namjoon challenged with suspicion in his tone.

"Well, according to this bestselling book I read by security expert Jang Dongwoo-nim, his friend, Kim Xiumin-nim, another security expert, once told him that one day, cameras will become an indispensable friend to those in the field of security and defense," Tamyok explained.

"How exactly are you going to use cameras?" Namjoon prodded.

"The answer is obvious. He was referring to CCTVs of course," Tamyok confidently answered. "Use the CCTVs to spy on the police officers during operations."

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