60: I.P.U. (I Promise U)

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Finally, it was the day the thirteen had been excitedly and anxiously waiting for — "The Hymeneal of Legends". The venue of the momentous occasion was the peak of Mount Dobong where the Tree of Life was located; the Tree was an important witness to the ceremony, despite not having any role in it at all. The ceremony will be officiated by the Mystics and everyone working in the Central Office was invited. To keep the citizens involved, the event was broadcast live with the help of magic crystals gifted to them by one of the Ten Premiers.

The twelve deities were divided into two tents to prevent themselves from seeing each other before the ceremony. On one tent were Kris, Suho, Chen, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, and Sehun. They were being assisted by Shotaro, Sungchan, Jihyo, Mark, Seungcheol, Yoon Jisung, and Sowon. Things seemed calm on the surface but there was always something that meets the eye.

"Your Excellences, you all look good," Shotaro and Sungchan commented.

"Thank you, Shotaro-ssi and Sungchan-ssi," Sehun responded. Sehun was playing with his fingers.

"How is everyone feeling?" Seungcheol inquired.

"Excited and nervous at the same time," Kris admitted. Kris was pacing around the tent to calm himself down.

"To be honest, the butterflies are having a party in my stomach right now," Chanyeol answered. To prove his point, Chanyeol rubbed his stomach in circles.

"Well, I don't know if it will help with your nerves, Your Excellences, but Taeyong-hyung said your significant others are almost done dressing up. The Hymeneal is almost starting at this point," Mark informed the other legends about the information he received from the other tent.

"We're not allowed to see them before the ceremony, are we?" Suho knew the answer to his question but it was worth the shot.

"I know you are excited, Your Excellence, but as per Exoplanet traditions, I believe that is not possible," Sowon shook her head.

"Not even a peek?" Kyungsoo tried to sound pitiful but to no avail.

"Just wait for a little longer, Your Excellence. You will all see them in the Hymeneal," Yoon Jisung said. "If I were you, I would hurry myself. The faster all of you will be ready, the earlier the ceremony will start.

"Jisung-ssi has a point, you know," Chen sighed in realization.

"I guess everyone is ready now," Jihyo mentioned. "Our work here is done. See you in the venue, Your Excellences."

Meanwhile, in the other tent were Xiumin, Luhan, Lay, Baekhyun, Tao, and Kai with their assistants for the day Namjoon, Taeyong, Kun, Irene, Jennie, and Solar. As expected, the six legends in this tent were also suffering from uneasiness.

"Do I look alright?" Baekhyun was self-conscious about how he looked.

"You look fine, Baekhyun-ssi," Irene reassured him. "And stop your hands from ruining our masterpiece!"

"I might be the legend of frost but I certainly do not have ice in my veins," Xiumin took a long, deep breath.

"Perhaps drinking some actual ice water would help," Namjoon offered Xiumin a bottle of cold water.

"And I'm the legend of time but time's moving too slow for me," Tao's feet were tapping on the floor.

"Wait for just a little longer, Zitao-oppa," Jennie calmed Tao down.

"I want to see Myeon. What if he's not there?" Lay panicked.

"Okay, hyung, relax. Let me tell you right now that Suho-ssi is here. I personally saw him earlier," Kun took care of the anxious Lay.

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