28: Bad Blood

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It was a fine Tuesday morning. Sehun was performing his morning routines with a smile on his face after receiving an adorable message from a certain someone. Sehun wouldn't be at the Central Office the whole day as he had to perform his duties as a research panelist through an invitation by the graduate school of SMC University. When all preparations were done, Sehun drove his Audi R8 en route to his destination.

Now for those of you wondering what happened to Luhan and Sehun after the kiss, things went better than expected. Luhan asked for clarification and Sehun openly explained everything to Luhan. While Luhan reacted similarly to Baekhyun, what was different was that Luhan only asked Sehun for several days before he took over the responsibility. In fact, Luhan has no qualms about their current relationship. It was just that Luhan needed some time for the facts to sink in first and also ample time to tell his friends about the recent developments. Sehun granted Luhan's request with a kiss on the forehead.

Sehun was guided by several guards upon reaching the university. The special treatment was not only because he was a guardian legend and a very important guest, but also a university alumnus. The guards directly led him to the office of the dean of the graduate school.

"Good morning, Your Excellence. It's our huge honor to have you as one of our special panelists for today," the dean warmly welcomed the legend. "Please take a seat."

"The pleasure is all mine as an alumnus of the graduate school here," Sehun sat down. "I don't mean to rush but can you brief me about the paper I'm evaluating?"

"Certainly. Your Excellence will only be evaluating one research paper. The paper is written by Noe Natae-ssi for her Ph.D. degree specializing in Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning," the dean was ready to explain. "Natae-ssi, as you know, is a current intern in the Central Office. The paper was so well-written and innovative that I took the chance of inviting you as one of the panelists due to your status as the acting chief executive for the Department of Education. Personally, I can recommend her paper for consideration of implementation given you are here."

"That's a high praise coming from you, hakjangnim," Sehun nodded. "Who will be the members of the panel?"

"Sorry for informing you at the last minute but Your Excellence will be the chairman of the panel," the dean informed Sehun. "Hwang Jinwoon-seonsaengnim and I will be your panel members and we will start in an hour."

"No worries, hakjangnim," Sehun replied. "I can't wait to see this praiseworthy paper."

Finally, the defense was starting. Sehun was sitting in the middle as the chairman with the dean on his right and the other teacher on his left. Imagine the surprise on Natae's face when she saw the Sehun on the panel table. Nevertheless, she started her presentation with poise and confidence.

"Good morning, dear panel. I am Noe Natae, a Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning student and I will be presenting the paper entitled: 'Expansion Courses for the Alternative Learning System – A Recommendation."

Sehun was surprised, to say the least. The paper was highly similar to Luhan's idea. But Sehun did not judge immediately. After all, what if Luhan lent her the idea and she went on a different course of study?

"The idea from this paper started when I noticed that the current courses under the Alternative Learning System are directly linked to several departments: culinary arts for food and health, self-defense for security and defense, driving for transportation, tour guiding service for natural resources, and carpentry for infrastructure," Natae was proudly presenting her paper. "What about the departments? So, I thought about the possibility of expanding the alternative learning system by looking for courses that could be added that are also related to the other departments."

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