22: Intensions

31 9 0

3 years later

Milani POV

Anybody did tell mi say one pickney hard fi manage mi would say a lie, now image me wid two.

A little back story so after leaving Jamaica I found out I was 4 months pregnant, not because I was ill or anything, I had to do a drug screen for my job only to get a call saying I was expecting.

I must say that journey was a hell of a struggle. But despite it all I could not complain I was able to get Mando up as well as to land myself a well-paying job and a house. In the next 6 months I should be taking the kids to Jamaica for the first Time. Only because them a plan this big family retreat.

As for their father I had not shared that information as he was able to locate me two time while I was in New York always hear say is one small circle and never know a true. With his people finding me I had to relocate so I am now living in Texas were not many Jamaicans are here which I am thank full.

"Malik stop put yuh and pan yuh sister," I said getting his attention.

The little boy rude and love war.

"But mummy she is eating more candy again she not listening," he said giving her a hug.

"Yes, papa but you don't hit your sister you should talk to her", I said walking over to them.

On the flip side I was waiting on their babysitter to get here as I had a date with this guy from the gym I attended. He is really sweet and caring; I haven't introduced him to the kids as yet, but I know they would like him.

Watch blush, my subconscious said.

It's not that there is anything wrong with him meeting them it's just that I believe the first male figure in their lives should be their dad and I just cannot take that from them.

Greeting Alika their babysitter I hugged them goodbye and made my way out to my knight, if him play him cards right mi buss him tonight because bowy a long time my pipe no turn on and rn it a drip to how the boy stay real good.

The dinner was going really well until I got a call saying someone broke into my house, time stopped as all I could think about were the kids.

Justin paid the bill and took me home, upon arriving home there were two offices at the door talking to Alika.

Good night officer Alika are you ok and where are the kids?

"They are still sleeping and yes, I am fine."

"Did you see the intruder?"

"No, I did not they were masked however he was standing over the kids when I went to check on them. On seeing him he said to tell someone named Mel he was here."

I couldn't breathe, how him find mi?

"Miss, do you have any idea who this person could be?" The officers questioned.

"Yes, I do, thank you for your time officer I can assure you we are in no danger."

With that I told Justin goodbye and paid Alika.

How mi ago do this now. Dead mi dead lef mi two pickney dem now. 

Picking up my phone I decided to give Kerry a call. Yes, I still kept in contact with her even though I never mentioned the kids she knows pretty much everything that was going on in my like.

Phone convo 

Kerry 💕: Girl a why yah call so late she greeted me.

Me: Umm Kerry wea your cousin dea?

Kerry 💕: You know him just go sleep girl a wah you want to talk to him?

Me: No, It's just that...... Never mind sorry for calling so late.

Kerry 💕: No Mell did something happen?

Me: Well, yes someone broke into my house, and I thought It was him.

Kerry 💕: No, him no leave the island from the last time however maybe a strength because I overheard them talking about finding a location. Then rass gal a you him find, then my cousin determine eeh.

Me: Sigh Kerry I have something i need to tell you but, In the Morning, and when I do, please don't be upset.

Kerry 💕: Ok later Love you.

How mi ago do this now........................................

Indian Pov

"Yow bossy mi find her enuh but this kinda bigger than me enuh mi don."

"Wea you mean strength?"

"Afi go lef that fi uno talk bout."

"With that the line dropped. Then a coulda wah know god."

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