𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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It was Saturday, and finally Miguel had his day off. He woke up later than usual.
When he got up the bed and walked to the kitchen, he found Gabriella sitting on her high chair, holding her baby bottle and eating by herself. Now she was 8 months old, she was phisically stronger than before.
Meanwhile Y/n was preparing some food and tea for herself. 
When she heard the footsteps, she turned and saw him, flashing a genuine smile <<Good morning Sir.>>
He nodded, still sleepy <<'Morning.>>.
When Gabriella finished drinking all her milk, put the bottle down and started moving energically at the view of her father. The tall man smiled at her reaction and went to her, picking her up. He cradled the baby in his arms, her small fingers grasping onto his shirt as she cooed softly. The nanny watched with a gentle smile, her heart warming at the sight of the boss's tender interaction with his daughter <<Buenos días, mija>> he whispered to her daughter, kissing her forehead softly. The baby reaction was to burst out of joy, doing happy noises.
Meanwhile Y/n put on the counter Miguel's cup of coffee: his cup was totally white written with blue lettere "Best Dad N⁰1", of course it was a gift from Conchata.
Miguel nodded, making Gabriella sit on the table as he took the cup <<Thank you Y/n.>> he said as he took a sip of his coffee.

Gabriella was sitting on the table, looking at the two adults conversating between themselves.
<<Today you woke up later than usual.>> the nanny spoke, blowing softly on her tea. The tall man nodded, glancing every second to Gabriella, making sure she was not doing anything dangerous <<It's my day off. And I decided to rest a little bit more.>>
<<That's good.>> Y/n nodded, taking a small sip of her green tea <<Any plans for today?>>.
Miguel finished his coffee, putting the cup in the sink and starting washing it <<I think I should call my office for a few important reason. Then I think I'll spend some time with Gabriella.>> after that he took it and dried it off.

Y/n nodded and smiled, before drinking her tea <<Speaking of Gabriella, I think she made some improvement.>> she said happily.
He raised an eyebrown <<Caring to explain?>>.
Y/n nods and sat on the chair, tickling Gabriella's foot as the baby laughed <<Well she knows how to crawling already, moving from seated to all fours and back again, and pulling herself up to a standing position. But she is still trying to keep the balance.>> Y/n explained. Miguel nodded, following what she ways saying <<And about the words? She can say some?>>.
Y/n looked over Gabriella, that was sucking her own hand <<Well she went through the babbling phase, now I tried to teach her some of the basic words that she could use. Like "water" or "milk", even the words "mom" and "dad".>>.
Miguel eyes lighted up when he understood she tried to teach her a way to call him <<Can she say it?>>
Y/n spoke again <<Well she is trying. It's not so simple for her.>>.
Miguel was too happy to know that his daughter could start speaking now. At least saying real words.
He turned to Gabriella, who smiled and made happy noises, as he said <<Mija, baby, can you say dad? Papa.>>.
Gabriella looked at him and started babbling, happy to have an interaction with her father. Miguel was smiling softly at her <<Come on. Say dada. Papa. What you want mija, let me hear you.>>
Gabriella smiled and started at his lips when he spoke <<Da...aaaaah!>> he said, clapping her own hands, as a reward for herself. Miguel tried again <<Dada. Dad. It's me, cariño.>> he was impatient to hear her small but cute voice calling him.
Suddently, Gabriella's attention was moved from Miguel to Y/n. Both of the adults were confused, so she spoke <<Come on Gabri, say "dad".>> she spoke slowly, articulating every single letter. Gabriella clapped her hands and finally she spoke <<Mama!>>.

She said it loud and clear, with no stuttering or babbling.
Y/n was satisfied of Gabriella, but before she could smile, she looked over Miguel: he looked like he just got hit by a semitruck. Not from the fact that Gabriella didn't say "dada". It's for the fact she said "mama" and he was lookibg straight at Y/n. She recognized that woman as her own mother.  At this point, Y/n was her mother. Y/n has been there since Gabriella was one month old, an infant.
Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions wash over her as she realized that in Gabriella's eyes, she had become the closest thing to a mother figure. The weight of this realization settled in her heart, knowing the profound impact she had on the child's life.
As Y/n glanced back at Miguel, she could see his emotions in his eyes: a mixture of gratitude that her own daughter could talk, guilt for not being there for Gabriella in the same way as Y/n did and sadness because Gabriella has no biological mother anymore.
<<Mr O'Hara...>> Y/n started talking, trying to talk to him but he immediately interrupted her, raising an hand <<Thank you for taking care of her, and learning her to talk.>> he said in a soft tone.
Y/n nodded in response, her heart swelling with a sense of fulfillment and a touch of sadness. She had grown to love Gabriella as her own, devoting herself to providing care, love, and nurturing just like any mother would. As a nanny, she never anticipated forming such an unbreakable bond with the child, but now, in this moment, she understood the weight of her role in Gabriella's life.
With a gentle smile, Y/n replied, <<It has been my honor and privilege to take care of Gabriella. I promise to continue being there for her, just as I have been since day one.>>.
Miguel's eyes softened, the gratitude evident in his expression. <<I couldn't have asked for a better nanny for Gabriella,>> he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation <<You've become her mother in every sense of the word. I will forever be grateful for the love and care you've given to my daughter. Gracias.>>

In that moment, Y/n was determined to be the constant pillar of strength and love in her life, ensuring that Gabriella would always feel loved and cherished.

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