𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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The attractions between Y/n and Miguel grew more and more, but none of them tried to bring this topic on.
As every year, Gabriella's 7th birthday was getting closer. In fact for a whole month, Gabriella started counting till her special day was arriving.
As always Miguel organized a party at his house with Gabriella's classmates and close friends, so meanwhile he bought decorations for his house too: ballons, some letter that together formed her name to stick on the wall, glow sticks and lights, confetti and even more. He loved his daughter dearly and he wanted everything to be perfect.

Meanwhile Gabriella personately asked her nanny to bake her birthday cake. Actually she specifically wanted a Rainbow Layers Cake. Y/n was always good at cooking delicious meal, so she thought that she could make the best cake ever. And Y/n couldn't help but accept to bake her cake. So the nanny found the reciept, bought the ingredients and got into the kitchen to start her work. It was the day before Gabriella's birthday so she had to be fast.

As she wore the apron on, Miguel walked in and looked at her <<Baking the cake?>>.
She nodded when she turned <<I am just starting now.>>. From Miguel eyes, the nanny looked really gorgeous like that, with a simple apron on. Yes, he got mersmerized by his daughter's nanny, there was no doubt about it.
So Miguel took an apron and wore it too <<Let me help you.>> he said, offering. She was surprised <<You don't have to.>> she didn't want to bother him. Instead, he insisted <<I do want to.>>. Y/n found that gest really nice by him and she nodded <<Thank you.>>.

<<So you baked that kind of cake already some other time?>> he asked as they took all the ingredients and the utensil they were going to need.
The nanny nodded no <<No, it's my first time.>> she spoke the truth <<But if I follow what the recipt says, it will surely taste good.>>
Miguel glanced over her, trusting her words.
The room was already filled with the sweet scent of vanilla and the promise of a delightful celebration.
Miguel adjusted his apron with a smile, stealing glances at Y/n as they started creating the cake. <<It feels like Gabriella grew up in the blink of an eye.>> Miguel spoke, almost like he was talking to himself but his words reached the nanny's ear. Y/n nodded, a wistful expression on her face <<Time flies. I still remember when she was a newborn.>>
Miguel's eyes fell on the nanny's figure as he poured the flour into a mixing bowl <<The joy on Gabriella's face when she'll sees this cake will be priceless. It's moments like these that make being a parent so fulfilling.>> he confessed.
Y/n couldn't help but notice the tenderness in Miguel's voice, the way he spoke about his daughter with such love. A warmth settled in her chest, and she focused on the task at hand to hide her growing feelings.
Miguel began by measuring out the dry ingredients. He scooped flour into a large mixing bowl, followed by sugar, baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Y/n whisked the dry ingredients together until they were well combined, creating a fluffy cloud of white.
<<Now, let's add the wet ingredients.>> Y/n instructed, cracking eggs into a separate bowl. She carefully poured in vegetable oil, followed by milk and a splash of vanilla extract. With a whisk in hand, she beat the mixture until it became smooth and creamy.
Miguel grabbed the bowl of wet ingredients and slowly poured it into the fluffy dry mixture. After that he took a large spatula and gently folded the batter, making sure not to overmix it. They worked together with precision and care, creating a luscious batter that held the promise of a delicious cake.
As they prepared it, their hands brushed against each other for a second, sending a jolt of electricity through their veins. They exchanged a fleeting glance, a silent acknowledgment of an unspoken connection that lingered between them.
<<Perfect.>> Y/n said, changing the subject from their hands to the smooth consistency of the batter. <<Now we need to divide the batter into six separate bowls to create the rainbow effect.>>
Miguel and Y/n carefully divided the batter into six bowls, making sure each portion was equal. They placed a drop of food coloring into each bowl, choosing vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
<<Now, let's mix the colors.>> the nanny suggested, excitement twinkling in her eyes. "We'll start with red and gradually work our way through the rainbow.>>
Miguel nodded, taking a spoon and gently stiring the first bowl, watching as the batter transformed into a vivid red hue. They continued this process with the remaining colors, each bowl showcasing a different shade. The kitchen was now a canvas of vibrant colors, echoing the joy and excitement of Gabriella's special day.
With the colored batters ready, Miguel and Y/n prepared the cake pans, lining them with parchment paper.
They carefully spooned each colored batter into the pans, layering them one by one in the order of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.
Once the pans were filled, Miguel placed them in the preheated oven, allowing the cakes to bake to perfection. As the tantalizing aroma filled the kitchen, they set a timer and patiently waited, anticipation growing with every passing minute.
Finally, the timer chimed, and Miguel removed the cakes from the oven. The kitchen was now filled with the sight of six beautifully colored cake layers, each one representing a different shade of the rainbow.
Y/n smiled, their heart filled with pride. <<Our rainbow layer cake has turned out amazing more than I expected.>>
Miguel's eyes sparkled with amusement as he admired their creation. <<Es perfecto. Gabriella will be overjoyed when she sees it.>>
With care and precision, Miguel stacked the layers one on top of the other, spreading a thin layer of frosting between each vibrant tier. The cake began to take shape, its rainbow layers shining through the creamy frosting.
Y/n couldn't help but admire Miguel's precision as he staked the layers together. With each gentle movement, she found herself increasingly drawn to him. Her heart fluttered as she realized that her admiration had blossomed into something more, a growing affection for this talented man who had captured her attention in the midst of their cake-making adventure.

As they stood back to admire their masterpiece, Miguel and Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.
With the cake complete, the only thing left to do was to wait for Gabriella's big day; a day that would be filled with laughter, love, and the sweet taste of the cake.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲|| 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang