𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞||𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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Every year at Gabriella's school, it was usual for them to partecipate to an "End of the Year Performance" where all the children partecipated. The teachers had been working diligently behind the scenes, preparing a grand performance to celebrate the students' accomplishments throughout the year. It was a tradition that everyone eagerly awaited, and Gabriella was no exception.

The day of the performance arrived, and the school's auditorium was buzzing with excitement. Parents, teachers, and students filled the seats, eagerly waiting for the spectacle to begin. Gabriella, adorned in a vibrant costume, stood backstage with a mix of nerves and excitement coursing through her. And so did Miguel, with Y/n and his mother.
<<What is the performance about?>> Conchata asked, when they walked inside the theatre and tried to find some seat together.
Y/n shrugged <<She wanted it to be a surprise.>> she smiled and they sat down to three chairs. They sat together, as other people came searching seats for them and others where already chatting between them.
Was is wearing a stylish black suit with a crisp white shirt. He had polished black shoes and a matching belt.
Y/n, meanwhile, dressed in a beautiful knee-length lavender dress with delicate floral patterns. She wore white ballet flats and has a matching lavender hair accessory. They both look elegant and ready to enjoy the performance.
Conchata wore a sophisticated emerald green dress with a flattering A-line silhouette. The dress had a sweetheart neckline and is adorned with subtle sequin embellishments. She accessorizes with silver jewelry and wears comfortable black low-heeled shoes.
Before the show started, one of Gabriella's teacher came on the stage with a mic in her hands. She started speaking <<Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our end-of-the-year performance at our beloved elementary school. Tonight, we have a special treat in store for you all. We will be showcasing the incredible talents of our talented students!>>.
All the parents and adults smiled as the kids, in the back of the stage, were slightly nervous.
The teacher smiled and spoke <<Thank you for joining us tonight. Our students have been working diligently to make this show a memorable one. Get ready to be amazed by their talents!>> .
And all the people clapped their hands as the teacher got off the stage and the curtains rose, the stage transformed into a kaleidoscope of colors and set pieces. The performance showcased a medley of talents, from theatrical skits to musical performances, and even awe-inspiring dance routines. Each act was carefully choreographed to highlight the unique abilities of the students.
Some kids played some instruments, other ones were doing some gymnastic, singing, showing magic tricks, doing hula-hoops, another one showed how to do origamis too!
Every kid had a special and unique talent, and every time it would make people smile, other's laugh and other even clap their hands.

Finally, it was Gabriella's turn to take the stage. She stepped forward, feeling a surge of adrenaline as the spotlight illuminated her. She was wearing a cute yellow dress, with white shoes, and she had a ponytail.
Immediately, Conchata stood up and walked closely to the stage, recording with her phone the video of her granddaughter. What a supportive grandma.
Y/n smiled <<There she is.>> she spoke, seeing Gabriella. Miguel's eyes lighted up and his attention was all taken on his daughter.
The small child on the stage was a bit scared by talking in front of all these people. But when her eyes got down and say her grandma just under the stage, she felt better.
And she felt really confident when she saw her two favorite people, her nanny and her father, sitting in the crowd with a smile and their thumbs up.
With grace and confidence, after taking a deep breath, Gabriella started to recite a powerful poem she had written during her English literature class. Her words flowed effortlessly, captivating the audience with their depth and emotion.

<<In this world of wonder and delight,
Where love and friendship shine so bright,
I hold your hand with all my might,
As we embrace every day and every night.

Love like a rainbow, colors so true,
Paints our hearts with feelings anew,
Smiles and laughter, our friendship's glue,
Together by your side, I'll always be with you.

We play, we laugh, we never fight,
Our bond so strong, like stars in the night,
Through ups and downs, we find the light,
With love and friendship, everything feels right.

So let us cherish this magical bliss,
A friendship so pure, a love we can't miss,
For in our hearts, forever it'll exist,
My dearest friend, you truly are a bliss.>>

As Gabriella concluded her recitation, the auditorium erupted in thunderous applause. The audience rose to their feet, recognizing the sheer brilliance and raw talent that Gabriella possessed. Her teachers beamed with pride, knowing that their decision to include her in the performance was absolutely justified.
Y/n smiled a lot as her eyes sparkled with joy and love, applausing excited <<Beautiful poem Gabri!>> she exclaimed, making Gabrella smile and blush. When Y/n turned towards Miguel, she saw him applausing with tears in his eyes, proud and joyful tears.
After the performance, Gabriella was showered with praise and admiration from fellow students, teachers, and all other people here. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to her hard work and dedication throughout the year. She realized that her journey of growth and self-discovery had culminated in this unforgettable performance.
Finally she found her grandmother and hugged her <<¡Abuela! Did you watch me?>> she asked, all excited by her performance. The woman nodded <<How could I ever miss my daughter beautiful performance? Estoy orgullosa de ti.>> she pinched her cheeks playfully, as Gabriella laughed.
Y/n and Miguel walked towards her. The father spoke, holding a bouquet or pink and yellow bright roses for her <<Mija, estuviste muy bien.>> and he kissed her cheek lovingly. Gabriella smiled and hugged him tightly, holding the flowers <<Thank you papa!... wait your eyes...>> she said, observing his watery eyes confused.
He cleared his throath and looked away <<I just got something in my eye and it looks red now.>> he lied. The nanny smirked playfully and teased him <<He cried.>>.
He glanced at the nanny almost in a scolding way <<I did not.>> and Gabriella giggled at his father nervous behavior. Y/n got down and hugged the girl tightly, stroking her hair gently, as she relaxed <<It was a beautiful poem, Gabri.>>.
<<Thank you Y/n!>> she smiled, rubbing her head against her shoulder.
After the performance that was over, they held hands and walked outside as they spoke about the poem.
Miguel and Conchata were walking silently behind them. Miguel was lost in his thoughts, looking at his daughter having a joyful conversation with the woman that raised her as if she was her own child.
He felt something inside him.
Something that said he had to speak up.
To tell her.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲|| 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now