Chapter 1. Tainted Love

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Contains Mature themes, language and sex throughout.

**Earlier that day **
Why won't he ever let me move on. I can't stand him any longer and wish I could get away from all the pain that comes from being with him. Not anymore, this time I'm really done.

I wish there was an eject button and I could launch myself far away from any of this. I'd been trying to leave for over a year, it seemed impossible. We went to the same college but now it was time to pack up and move onto the next chapter in our lives and I was so ready to run.

I watch as Leah packs away the last of her things. "I hope you're not still thinking about that waste of space"

I roll my eyes.. of course I was thinking of him. I always dreamt of that big love, the deep and passionate love that is all consuming. Someone who would always choose me and the idea that I'd just wasted over a year of my life on someone who couldn't give me close to that broke my heart.

It was ok for Leah she had been with Ben for 4 years, they were the perfect match. Even with the long distance while Ben was off studying medicine, somehow things just worked. He was the perfect gentleman and loved Leah to her core. I mean, it was probably easy too, Leah was beautiful .. long dark hair with deep brown eyes, and the kindest soul you could ever imagine. She was quiet but would always speak her mind when it was those she cared about. She's been my best friend since we were kids and I couldn't do life without her.

My phone vibrates and as I look down Leah snatches it out from beneath me. It was Liam of course, probably with a text load of abuse. He knew we were going away and hated the thought of losing any control he had over me. He was still so sure I would forgive him. Our whole relationship was tainted. There was no going back this time, I was sure of it.

With that, Leah blocks Liam's number on my phone and passes it back to me with a gentle smile.
"Come on let's get out of here, you don't need him Hallie, the sooner we get some distance between you both the better, he's a bad egg, always has been and you deserve so much better"

"Leah you do realise we are going to be late".. I'd been waiting over an hour watching her in what I can only describe as chaos, packing her suitcase.

"If you promise to at least try and enjoy yourself this trip, Il leave right now"

I switch off my phone and pop it into her suitcase as she zips it up.

"I promise" I say with a smile and then we leave for the airport.

I meant it too. Giving up my phone gave me a kind of calm I hadn't felt in a long time. I instantly felt lighter without it. I allowed myself to feel a small wave of excitement for what was ahead. This is just what I needed.

When we got through security Taylor was already at the bar with a large glass of rosè.

"Hey girl!!!" She squeezes us both excitedly.
"Get me on that plane right now! Are you both ready?..I'm so ready for this!!"

"If you let us get a word in Tay!" I laugh.

"Praying for a good shag though girls, it's been too long!" she says while pretending to whisper but anyone within a half mile radius definitely heard. By the sounds of it she's had at least a couple of glasses of wine already. I can feel Leah cringing beside me, she's not one for a big show.

"If by not long you mean two weeks ago" I say and we all double over with laughter.

She's always been sex mad but the wine definitely made her more vocal about it. I can't imagine her ever tied down, her heart was always in the right place when her friends were concerned but a man in her opinion was only good for one thing. I can't help but giggle at her openness. Her energy is always contagious. She was tall and thin with shoulder length auburn dyed hair and a body to die for. She had every reason to be confident.

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