Chapter 6. Dont Mind Me

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I wake up to the sound of my head pounding and memories flooding back of the night before. I expected to feel embarrassed but instead all I wanted was to break him. There was no way he would actually keep his distance was there? He kissed me not the other way around. I wasn't going to let him tell me what I needed or wanted. Letting go would do me some good, I plan to have some fun with this.

I look over to see the other side of the bed now empty.

"Your up!" Jax walks in a towel, the sound of water running should of been the tell tale sign that he was still lingering.

"Suprised your still here, expected you to be off keeping the distance between us.." I say sarcasticly.

"Oh I still plan to.. you can look but you can't touch"
Cocky prick.

He looks sure of himself, but I'm not so certain. He throws on some clothes and starts to get some of his things together.

"The distance works with me. Although you don't need to leave the room, I can control myself if you can?" I laugh.

"Didn't last night not show you that peachy?"
I shot him an annoyed glance. Like I needed reminding?

"Back to disliking me then I assume?"

"Last night was just a lapse in judgement. I'm feeling much more sane today. Back to being an ass though clearly.."

"Always peachy.. Il share the room then if your sure you can keep your hands to yourself " he winks.

I roll my eyes and cover my head with the duvet until I can no longer hear him in the room anymore. That was enough for one morning.

Once I'm up and showered I dress myself in some denim shorts and a simple white tie front crop top. The sun is beaming down brightly, and it's the perfect day to explore a little with the girls. Plus I need to regroup after last night and this morning.

I find Taylor wrapped around Matt by the pool. I grab her immediately by the hand and pull her away.
"I'm stealing her for the morning, sorry!" I shout back to him.

"Nooo! Don't be too long,  I'll be sat twiddling my thumbs without her!"

"I can't make any promises Matt sorry!" I laugh.

Taylor smiles at him reluctant to leave. It's clear that this is more than sex for her, they look bloody head over heels and it's only been a couple of days.

We walk away to find Leah sat glued to her phone.
She looks up excitedly.
"Don't have to ask me twice!"

We find a small tapas bar serving breakfast right by the beach and sit outside in the sunshine already all in fits of laughter.

"I am not in love. It's been two days bloody stop it girls" Taylor denied while blushing. It was so unlike her, she was all rosy cheeked and nervous at the topic.

"There's definitely something more going on Tay, we've never seen you like this!"

"Matt definitely has me feeling a type of way, but it's nothing, shouldn't we be talking about you and mr sexy Hallie?" She winked.

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