Part 8. Dance With Me

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I don't know whether to follow her or give her a minute. If I wasn't so concerned with Hallie I would have beaten the shit out of that pathetic excuse for a man. The shit that was coming out of his mouth, I just couldn't stand and listen to it for a second longer. She was just standing there taking it? It didn't make sense? To me she was this feisty little firecracker but from the moment she laid eyes on him everything about her changed. Don't get me wrong I can be a dickhead, but I'd never dream of treating any woman that way. He was saying things he knew would hurt her deeply, and she's trying to hide it but I could see her breaking.

I see Leah about to go check on her, but I need to know she's ok.

"Do you mind if I go?"
She reluctantly accepts but to be honest I wasn't going to give her much of a choice, I was just being polite.

"Mind if I join you peachy?"
She looks up at me with puffy red eyes and nods. How could she make broken look so beautiful?

"Everyone heard everything didn't they?"

"Yes babe, they did. But no one is going to ask you a thing. It's your business. They.. we just want to know your ok.. that was fucking intense. Are you ok?"

Her eyes fill with water and a single tear drops from her eye before they turn into streaming puddles. I wrap my arm round her tightly and pull her close into my chest. I can feel her shaking. What did she even see in that prick. None of this made sense, but she was hurting and I wanted to be the one to comfort her. I don't even know why, it just needed to be me.

"We .. we" she can see I'm confused and wants to explain. She's trying to breath through the tears.

"You really don't need to explain anything babe.."
She looks at me and breaths more calmly.

"No. I want to.. We fell pregnant..My birth control must of failed and by the time we found out I was around 14 weeks. He was furious, said I'd done it on purpose, that I wanted to trap him. I was still having periods I had no idea, how could I of known? I had no symptoms, no tell tale sign, it was only when my shape started to change I thought to check. Ive wanted nothing more than to be a mum all my life, it's all I've ever wanted, but not like that, not now and not with him.

A few days later we lost the baby. I haven't thought back to that day for a long time, it hurts more than I can bare. I was alone. The things I saw and felt that day will never leave me. I felt like it was my fault, like I'd wished for it you know? And even though it may not of been the right time, I was no where near ready and so scared, it still shattered me."

"Fuck. That's a lot Hallie. Sometimes awful things happen, it's no one's fault they just happen. That's coming from someone who knows. It doesn't take away the pain it causes but it's so far from your fault. It couldn't be. Does anyone else know about all this?"

"Just Liam. He wanted to keep it close between us."

"Of course he did.. did he at least help you through it?" Stupid question, there was no way that prick helped an ounce.

"He looked pleased, just said it was for the best. From the moment I told him, he didn't want to speak of it again. Nothing was the same after that point. I started to see him more clearly. Not long after he told me mid argument he had been off fucking someone else. I don't know the details, I didn't want to know. It was a wake up call"

I'm not sure if it was because it was Jax or if I just needed to clear out my head and it could of been anyone but I'd poured my heart out and left myself bare. I felt drained and exhausted. I was still wrapped up tight under Jax's arm. At least for that moment I felt safer being here with him.

He's shaking his head slightly unsure what to say to make it better. He's already helping more than he knows, he doesn't need to say a thing.

"I'm not sure how I'm an asshole if you've got that wanker to compare too!" He laughs trying to lighten the mood.
"Surely leaving the country to get away would of been enough to get him to back off".

"He won't, he's on my case constantly. I'm pretty sure he's tracked my phone. It's the only way he could possibly know where I am, hopefully he's gone for now. If I wish it hard enough maybe it will come true hey?"

Just down the beach music is playing while a couple have dinner on the sand. It's calming and just want I needed, one of my favourite songs by Olivia Penalva- You are the reason.

"Dance with me?"
Jax stands up and holds out his hand.

"What? Everyone can see us?"
I blush as he pulls me to my feet bringing me into a close embrace.

"Do you care?"
I look up at him and smile.

"Not at all".
I really didn't, if there was a perfect moment, that was it. The sun was going down and he was giving me everything I needed. He was taking the pain away one step at a time.

Peachyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن