Part 11. Mindless

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I wake up to her still nuzzled under my arm with her head buried into my body. She fits perfectly. I've not felt this kind of closeness before. Even after us fucking so savagely last night, this here with her sleeping peacefully beside me somehow felt even more intimate. It felt good? Everything is still so quiet and all I can hear is my beating chest. My eyelids are heavy but my thoughts seem heavier, which explains why I barely slept for a minute.

I'm angry with myself for giving in to this with Hallie though. Whatever this is. I know that when I'm with her I forget anything else, it's not even about the sex, the lust for her or the chemistry, it's something much deeper and I can't explain it but fuck can I feel it. I know how this is going to end and I still can never give her what she needs, no matter how I'm feeling. No one will be with you forever in this life and I've known that pain more than most. Opening us both up to that kind of hurt is just mindless.

As she wakes lifting her head, I'm immediately lost in her eyes as they open and those thoughts disappear in a heartbeat.

I peel my head from his chest, and pull the sweaty strands of hair from my face. Images wash over me from last night as I look into his eyes remembering every sordid detail.

Up till now I've felt pretty confident in his presence but after last night looking at him now, I could feel my stomach caving in on itself as a sickening sweet tickling feeling took over.

"Morning" I said apprehensively. Realising I'm still completely unclothed and laying there bare for him to see every bump, crease and detail. Now it was light I felt like I was under a magnifying glass. I pull the sheets up to cover myself as I feel my cheeks burning red.

Shit. Come on Hallie get it together.

He smiles, clearly enjoying seeing me a little out of sorts and uncomfortable. He leans in a kisses me while quickly pulling me on top of him, my legs either side of him so I'm not looking at him underneath me. He has a smirk across his face as he pulls back and his hand wanders slowly and softly from the corner of my lip...down my breasts...across my nipples..

"I've touched and kissed every inch of your body, and now you look nervous?
I don't think so peachy."

Then without warning his hand is beneath me, his fingers teasing along my outer lips, desperately searching for the spot that makes my legs shake. His eyes on mine, watching my every breath as my hips begin to move with his touch, rubbing against his hand. He reaches up with his other hand and he cups at my breast, his fingers rolling gently over my nipples. I arch my back while releasing small moans as I relax into it.

Seeing her now in daylight naked on top of me is more than I can handle. Every part of her is fucking irresistible, how could I possibly keep my hands to myself? I can't take my eyes off her as her chest rises and falls with each breath she takes. I grasp at her nipple as I pull her towards me and kiss her. I'm not soft this time, I'm kissing her hard pressing my lips and tongue into hers. I massage her breast firmly with my palm whilst my other hand finds her clit and applies that pressure I know makes her moans grow. I push my index finger deep inside, she's tight around my finger so I move in and out slowly before adding another. The sounds of my fingers sliding in and out of her now drenched pussy with ease makes me rage beneath her more-if that was even possible. My mouth wraps itself around one of her nipples as I continue to fuck her with my hands. I want to drive her crazy like she has to me since the day we met. Again, I apply a little pressure and begin to rub her clit more aggressively. She starts to squirm and I know it's coming. Her body starts to shudder as she tightens around my fingers, her pussy filling with those sweet juices, dripping through my fingers as she moans out in pleasure.

She falls down beside me trying to catch her breath.

"Good morning" I smirk.

"You look pleased with yourself.." she says breathlessly teasing me. "If this is what the next week is going to be like, maybe we just shouldn't leave the room?"

She's smiling and knowing that it's because of me makes me smile in return.

"Don't tempt me princess"

He has a way with me like no other. The way he looked into my eyes the whole time, he knew exactly what he was doing and it excited me deep inside. I wanted to hide away in this room and continue to pretend the rest of the world didn't exist but of course that wasn't an option.

There was a feeling of safety and warmth from being in his arms all night. I hadn't known this man for more than a few days and I trusted him more than any man I'd been with before. How is that even possible? I wouldn't of dreamt of opening myself up so soon or being intimate like this with anyone so quickly but with Jax it was just easy. There was no explanation for it.

My phone vibrates on the side table and I open it to read the text.

Taylor- hey girl. Beach day with the guys. be ready in an hour. xox

"Looks like your lucks in. You get to spend the day with me too" I cheekily grin whilst showing him the text and then proceeding to wrap myself in a sheet and heading for the bathroom.

"I still don't like you!" He hits back with a small laugh.

"I call bullshit on that" as walk into the bathroom now out of sight.

He may of thought he was hiding it well but those moments where things went quiet, when he's looking deep into my eyes when we are being intimate, kissing or the moments we are simply talking, I can see the way he looks at me. There was no way he wasn't feeling what I was.

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