Part 22. Chaotic Sounds

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Authors Note- Thank you for being patient over Christmas and a little while longer. I'm looking forward to getting back to writing more regular updates. Here is a small teaser of a few days into the future for Hallie, as I begin to edit the upcoming chapters 🖤


The voice on the other end of the phone is quiet as she whimpers through fast snuffled breaths. She's trying to force out words through her tears and I can barely make out anything she is saying. Something in my gut quickly tells me something is wrong. A pressure starts building in my chest and I feel instantly sick.

"Who is this? I'm sorry, I really I can't understand what you're trying to say.."

I can't make out the voice, whether it's familiar to me or not. All I hear in return are a jumble of chaotic sounds.

"YOUR NOT MAKING ANY SENSE! WHO IS THIS?" I don't mean to shout, clearly this person is going through something but hearing this stranger in deep despair, not knowing who she is, is making all sorts of wild and scary thoughts invade my head and I just need them to stop. Was this some sort of strange prank? Would someone really go that far?

My tone must have shocked her into a calmer state as I slowly begin to be able to make out some of her words. I sit silently, phone to my ear, waiting and fearful with my heart pounding out my chest.

Am I even hearing that right? I couldn't have..

"What? No that's not possible." Now it was me who could barely get my words out. My heart had dropped to the floor. There's no way this could be true but then I finally hear her words as clear as day.

"Hallie.. he took an overdose. He's dead."

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