Chapter 5. Mixed Signals

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We arrive back at the villa, and the excitement from our kiss is still racing through my bones. I've never wanted someone more in my life.  It felt electric between us. I barley knew this man but he was making me feel things I've never felt before in my life. He's still an asshole but he's keeping my mind occupied and I can't see any harm in a little fun. Maybe giving into temptation would do me some good? I look over at him, he's quiet and not said much of anything since we kissed. I give him a flirty smile..

"You coming then or what?" I take his hand and lead him towards the bedroom.

I sit myself on the bed, with him standing between my legs, pulled in close. I'm waiting for him to make a move or give me any sign that he's still into this as I am.. from what I can feel he certainly wants this as much as I do but he's still stood quiet. His face is telling me a different story. I pull him a little closer, hoping he takes me as he did earlier but instead he runs his hands through his hair and steps back a touch.

"Look, I'm shattered shall we just call it night?"
My mouth drops open in shock.

"I thought this was what you wanted?" I was so sure this was what he wanted, how could I of got this so wrong.

"I fucking want you, how could I not?" He steps back a little more. His actions clearly not matching his words.

I'm a little hurt, and in all honesty fucking humiliated. He's just turned me down after I threw myself at him and he has the cheek to still say he wants me? Bollox. I shake my head at him confused but can't find the words to respond. Definition of mixed signals.

I turn away from him in a huff, pull of my dress, shove a t shirt over my head and climb into bed facing away from him. What was I thinking? I know Im going to regret all this in the morning. Ive never thrown myself at anyone like that before, I don't know what came over me. The moment our lips met tonight I felt weightless like everything holding me down for that brief moment was lifted. It was exhilarating and started a fire inside me and I wanted to feel that again. It burnt away the pain and I wanted him to take the pain away again and make me feel because in that moment that's exactly what he did.

He climbs in behind me and pulls me round to face him, lifting my chin up towards him as he speaks.

"You don't want what I can give you peachy"

"Who are you to tell me what I want? You barley know me.." I snap back.

"Well what you need right now then.. I know enough to know that ain't me for a few bunk ups. Your words Hallie remember - 'you know my type?"

I roll my eyes.
"Whatever, it doesn't matter. Just don't expect to be able to change your mind whenever you feel like it next. This was a rare moment for me and it won't be happening again."

"Exactly my point? Your even saying it would be unlike you, you've had a lot to drink and been in fucking tears today, what am I'm meant to just take advantage of that am I?...
I might be a bit of an ass peachy but not completely .."

"Answer me one thing Jax...How do you know that in this moment your not exactly what I need?"

Our noses are practically touching, a millimetre more and our lips would be too.. our eyes don't part.

"Il only hurt you peach, I'm no good with all that feelings shit, trust me when I say I'm not the one you want to be fucking around with.."

She's pissed at me and stroppy. I don't blame her though, I've fucked her around tonight. Even when I'm trying to do the right thing I'm still an ass. It's true though, I'd fucking hurt the girl, and she's had enough of that shit already. Kisses are usually just a means to an end to me but that was fucking intense and I'd happily spend all day with my lips against hers. I was so sure of this night going differently after that moment. I wanted to rip off her panties and take her right then and there, and any other girl I would have got my way then snuck out and probably never spoken too again. I didn't want to do that with Hallie, she was different some how. Even her stroppy fucking attitude I found cute and so fucking sexy. She needed more than what I could give her that was clear to me and I needed to keep away.

Shes analysing me, unsure to take me at my word. I've given her massively mixed signals tonight so I don't blame her for being confused by my sudden shift in judgment.

"I'm not moving now but tomorrow I'll bunk with Jesse, give you some space"

With that, she leans in and gives me a small tender kiss on the lips.

"We'll see" she says with a breif smile before turning away quietly and falling asleep.

Fuck. What is this girl doing to me.

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