Part 18. Bruises

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Jax had fallen asleep beside me, so I took that as my chance to sneak off into the bedroom. I needed to wash Liam's dirty touch from my skin and I couldn't face having to explain myself to everyone when they all came back. I also didn't want to have to put on a brave face and pretend nothing happened. I wonder how much Jax told Jesse?

I pull of my clothes, throw them in a heap on the floor and make my way into the bathroom. I'm standing in the mirror, looking at the mess Liam had inflicted and I don't recognise myself. There was no way I could get away with acting like nothing happened, it was literally written all over my face, telling the story very clearly. Suddenly the pain begins to tear through my skin as I see the reality of my bruises. Strange how in the moment and even up till a few minutes ago, I couldn't feel a thing, but now I was stood looking in the mirror, holding my face, it was all hitting me at once.

I run the bath and climb in, hoping that the warmth will help me relax and wash away my worries. I sit with my knees pulled up to my chest, deep in my thoughts and wishing I never left Jax's side. I wasn't sure I wanted to be alone after all.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have got through this. Every time I feel empty, there he is filling me right back up again, making me whole. He walked into my heart like he's always belonged there and no matter how this ends, a part of him will always remain.

I start to hear my name being called faintly from down the hall but I ignore it. "Hallie?"

"HALLIE! Where are you?" I can hear the footsteps drawing closer as the voice moves towards the bedroom door. I can hear clearly now that it's Taylor's voice.

"I don't think she's up to speaking to anyone right now Taylor." I can hear Jax say quietly.

I look through the archway and the bedroom door is now open with Jax slightly blocking Taylors path.

"Who are you her fucking keeper Jax? Move out the fucking way!" She says raising her voice angrily as barges past Jax and rushes to my side.

I know shes going to be pissed off with Jax for trying to get between us like that. Hell, I would be too if the tables were turned. All she wanted to do was check on me, and I get that, but I know his heart was in the right place too, even if it didn't seem that way to her. He probably didn't want her rushing in and overwhelming me...that's my guess anyway.

I'm still in the bath but she doesn't care, straight away she has her arms wrapped around me and I'm pretty sure she's going to be soaked.

"Hallie, I'm so sorry if I wasn't wrapped up in my my stupid fucking bubble with Matt, I would of been there with you tonight" she says, her face filled with worry and regret as she waits to see how I'm coping with it all.

"It's not your fault Tay. Don't apologise for being happy. Never." I shake my head at her. "How much do you know?"

"Enough babe. Don't worry, you don't need to go over it all, unless you want to of course. Jesse explained and we all came straight home. I want to ask if your ok, but what a fucking stupid question that would be". She's now resting over the edge of the bath as she talks.

I can see by her face she wants to know it all. As much as she doesn't want to push, she wants all the details but if I didn't have to go over it at all, then there's no fucking way I was going too.

"As ok as I can be. He's gone for now. Jax was there that's all that matters." I smile briefly.

"He's good for something then!" She returns the smile with sarcasm and raised eyebrows.

"Don't be hard on him Tay, tonight's been a lot for him too. He really was there, and is just trying to do what's right by me" I respond, though she shouldn't need convincing. If she knew as much as she let on, she would know Jax saved me tonight, so I hope she would give him the benefit of the doubt.

She nods.

Taylor reaches out and softly places her hands on my chin. Tears begin to fill her eyes and I can almost see the images appearing in her imagination as she tries to make sense of the marks and what exactly could have happened for me to look this way. "I.. I didn't think he was capable of this.."

"Neither did I" I smile at her softly in the hope it's enough to let her know that I'm coping.

"You'll get through this, he won't get near you again. I promise you Hallie."

I ignore her comment. No one can promise me that. "Pass me the towel please?"

She passes me a towel and I climb out the bath and cover myself. I can feel my legs still trembling a little, so head straight towards the bed to sit down and steady myself.

"Let me go get you some ice?" She asks.

"Actually, do you mind getting Jax ? It's not that I don't appreciate you being here" I begin to explain, before she interrupts my words kindly.

"But he gets it, and comforts you. I get it, don't worry" she smiles reassuringly.

"Thank you Tay, Love you"

"Love you too Hallie, always, you know that."

She walks out and a few minutes later Jax emerges with a small bag of ice tied with a tea towel around it.

"I thought I wanted to be alone.. turns out I don't". As I say the words he's already walking over and joining me on the bed. I don't understand how he had such an effect on me, but my whole body relaxed a little as soon as he entered the room. Everything felt instantly safer.

"I wanted to let you have your space, but I'm glad you've said that because all I wanted to do was break down that bloody door and make sure your ok" He looks just as pleased to be back by my side, as I am his.

"Lay with me?" I ask.

"Get your ass over here then princess" he gestures to the spot in front of him.

Hearing him speak to me like I'm wasn't going to break was just what I needed, even if just for a second.

I scoot back on the bed, still wrapped up in my towel and lay my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. This right here and the familiarity of how perfect I fit in his arms has quickly become my safe space. He places the ice gently on the free side of my face. The coldness of the ice burns and I grit my teeth breathing through it. I know it's what I need and trying to keep it there as long as possible is my best shot as taking some of the redness and bruising away.

"Thank you" I say as I close my eyes and pull him in tighter.

"You know theres no where I'd rather be" I'm not looking at him but I know he's smiling, taking in this peaceful moment, as I am.

"Life isn't supposed to be this hard is it?" I ask.

"It won't always be this way peachy. It just feels like it right now. If there was anything I could do to make it better. You know I would."

I look up into his eyes and pull the bag of ice from my face. "Take my pain away Jax, the way only you can?"

She's looking up at me with her beautiful big sad green eyes, wanting me to take her mind of everything. More than anything, being with her in the closest fucking way possible is everything I could want right now but after this evening it wouldn't feel right. Her head is probably all over the place, so tonight is not the right time.

"Not tonight beautiful. Let's just lay here ok? Just for tonight"

"Please Jax, I need you. You always make me forget. Please just take it all away?" she reaches up to my face, gently grazing her hand over my cheek.

"Your not in the right frame of mind to be making that decision tonight." I lean forward allowing her to meet me halfway and give her a soft and gentle kiss.

"Ok" she sighs. "I guess I'm pretty tired anyway"she says looking defeated but snuggles further into my arms as I pull the bedsheet over us both. I can already see her eyes closing as her whole body relaxes beside me and she turns over so we are both now facing the same way.

A few moments pass. "Hallie?" I murmur quietly.

"Mm hm?" Her voice barley a whisper.

"All this time you thought I was the one taking away your pain but it's you who's been taking away mine"

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