Part 16. Tangled

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Authors Note- This scene comes with a warning of abuse. It will only be in this chapter and the following chapter will be the aftermath. Please do skip this chapter if you'd find anything distressing in anyway 🖤🖤

Thank you all for reading 🖤

We had all arrived at a bar on La Rambla. Usually it would have been the perfect spot to be. It was amongst a never ending strip of bars, shops and clubs. The atmosphere was perfect for any night out and usually the busy atmosphere would excite me for a good night but I already felt knackered, so tonight I wasn't feeling it at all. It was heaving with people. We had clearly picked a popular place to be. I don't think I'd ever seen so many people packed into one space. People were pushing, bumping into me and stepping on my toes and each time it happened, the more I was quickly losing interest in being here. If anything, it was making me a little anxious.

Taylor and Matt still looked on such a high after becoming an item. They were hand in hand, dancing together, beaming from ear to ear. Jesse and Luke were set up in front of the bar with a steady stream of drinks and me and Jax were doing all of the above, most of all, just trying to enjoy the night together. I tried to hide the fact that I was losing patience as the place grew more crowded by the second but I'm sure my face spoke for itself.. it usually did. I fake a smile and continue to dance with Jax.

"Your don't fool me princess, what's up?" He shouts in my ear, which sounds like a whisper with the music blaring over us. One look in my eyes and he has me sussed.

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little off tonight. I think I'm going to head back". I don't want to disappoint him but if another person steps on my feet, I think I will blow.

"Ok, give me a minute to let the guys know we're going" he shoots back quickly, while searching the bar to find them. If anything he looks relieved for an excuse to get out of here too.

"Don't be silly, please stay? You've barley seen the boys the last few days. I'll be waiting for you when you get back." Of course I'd love him to come back with me, I want to be around him all the time, but I also don't want him to look back and regret not having the holiday he had originally planned for.

"Ahh, I don't know Hallie, I'd rather come back with you" he runs his hands through his hair and takes hold of my hand.

"The taxis are literally parked right out front. I will be fine and I will text when I get in. Please stay and enjoy yourself, after all, you came away with them and you've been with me all week" I say as calmly as possible while still trying to project my voice as loud as possible. I was hoping it was enough to reassure him.

"Ok, but promise to text?" He says, still with a slight look of worry in his eyes.

"You know I will" I say, as I give him one last kiss before leaving. I know I should of probably said my goodbyes but I couldn't face another second in this place.

Standing outside the bar, I search my phone for the nearest place to grab some food. A little detour wouldn't hurt and it would be worth it. I had barely eaten that day and I could hear the rumbles of my stomach over the music, which seemed to blast out the bar onto the streets. It looked like there was a place about a 5 minute walk which was perfect.

It's slightly away from the main strip of shops and bars, so I head down a quiet side road following closely on my phone. My eyes are locked on my screen making sure I don't take a wrong turn. I look up realising there's now no one around, and I'm down a dark cobbled side road, alone. The sound of my heels against the ground is the only sound I can hear now echoing against the walls. It's eerily quiet. Maybe I should turn back? I'm so close, it would be silly to turn back now surely? So I keep going.

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