Part 15. Rare

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The next day runs away with us. It goes by faster than I'd like. Apart from a walk along the beach and a quick dip in the pool, we barley left the room. It was perfect. Anyone who saw us would have thought we had known each other for years, it felt comfortable but still with the kind of excitement that pulses through your soul. We laughed, talked for hours on end, and of course, couldn't keep our hands off each other.

There were only 4 nights left and I didn't want to let it cross my mind. I wasn't ready to deal with what comes with that. I couldn't bare it, so instead I decided to shut myself off to any thoughts of it what so ever.

I watch her as she lays on the opposite side of the bed. She's in her own world, clearly in a day dream, smiling to herself whilst looking out the window to the sea. I could watch her all day and never get bored. Being with her, doing nothing, yet it being everything. How can that be? I probably look like a creep, but I can't take my eyes off her, I never can. I feel for this girl, so much more than I ever fucking imagined I could.

"Stop staring at me asshole" she remarks without even turning her head to look my way.

"But we have a problem Hallie.." I respond. 

She looks up immediately, a little startled and concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Your very far away, get your ass over here peachy" I say while pointing to a spot close to me, before reaching for her and pulling her over.

"For fuck sake Jax, I thought something was wrong!" She shakes her head at me sternly before scooting over closer into my arms.

"What excuse can we use to not go out later? Then we can stay right here and not have to move all night" I suggest jokingly but hoping she says 'yes let's do it'.

She giggles. "I'd love to, but we better make the effort, plus you might find yourself bored later wanting something to do"

"Never.. but if I did then maybe I'd just 'do' you.." I tease whilst giving her bum a little squeeze.

She leans in close to my face. "Oh you think hey? I think you've had plenty of that" before playfully bopping her finger gently on my nose.

"I'm not sure it will ever be enough" I reply, planting a small kiss on her cheek.

We lay there for a while peacefully, enjoying the moment, knowing soon we had to return amongst the chaos.

"I was thinking, I told you about my family but you haven't mentioned yours at all." It was true, weirdly I'd not heard her mention them once, not even in passing.

"I think we forget we've only known each other a short time, but there's probably so much we still don't know about each other" she smiles whilst looking into my eyes. She's right, but I want to know everything. Every fucking detail, I can't help needing to know more about this girl who's turned my world upside down.

"So, tell me?" I reply.

"There's not much to tell in all honesty. My dad lives on the opposite side of the country now and me and my mum.. well we've clashed since I can remember, so I've been living with Leah at college up till now and we have a new place to move into, in Chelmsford when we get back"

"Clash with your mum how?" I question. For some reason I pictured her with the perfect family set up. Obviously that's not the case.

"She's always wanted a great relationship with me, and I do love her, she's my mum of course I do but she's hard to be around sometimes. She holds a lot of anger, and jealousy and I've never understood why. Things I say get taken out of context, always made a huge issue or about her and I just got a little tired of walking on eggshells all the time. She would give me the world if she could, yet never let me forget that it was her who gave it to me."

"I've met some people like that. Hard to be around that energy too much, brings you down. Something must of happened to make her that way though?" I can't imagine any person in the world getting that way without something happening in there past. People aren't born with all that negativity, they must learn it along the way.

"I have no idea. She has never really spoken much about her past or childhood. I really wouldn't know and probably never will.  She will forever be my mum, but no matter who a person is to you, sometimes you still have to take a step back right?" She's looking at me hoping I agree. I can tell she's unsure if she's the bad guy here but she never could be.

"It doesn't matter who they are, she sounds like she can be fucking toxic when she wants to be. I'm sure she has a lot of love for you, maybe just doesn't always show it well? Were you ever close?"

"We always tried, it just never ended well. When my dad first left, she needed me, and for a while things actually seemed good between us but they soon reverted back"

"Knowing how I was with my mum, I wish that for you Hallie". It made me think of my mum, and for once not in a sad way. I usually avoided thinking about her too much, to stop it consuming me but man, these beautiful moments  where I can think of her and just remember her love, lights me up in ways I can't explain.

"I would of loved her, I'm sure of it...If things change then I'd love that, but if it doesn't, I've done well up till now, I've gotten pretty good at looking after myself. I hope I don't sound selfish, as I know she's still here, and that makes me lucky. Not everyone has that" she gives me a sad yet kind smile. "but I think you'd understand if you knew her" I can see by her face, she doesn't want to say the wrong thing, when this subject could hit close to home, but why would it? We are two different people.

"You don't sound selfish, your life, your experiences and the people in it are different to mine. There's no rule book for how your supposed to feel princess" I'm playing with her hands as I speak, sliding my fingers through hers and tickling the palm of her hand. I want to reassure her that I understand.

"Watching my mum and dad for years in this loveless marriage, never showing affection and rarely even any kindness to each other, it's made me want so much more for myself. I promised myself back then, I'd never settle. I know it sounds soppy and probably ridiculous to you, but finding that 'one'. The person who loves you with there whole heart, to share all of life's moments with. That rare kind of love"

Usually I would turn my nose up at hearing anyone talk this way, it would churn my stomach but coming from Hallie's mouth it made sense. It made sense because of how I felt looking at her. Talking to her and being with her, it was so fucking rare.

She throws a pillow at me. "Enough of that now you" before walking towards the bathroom. "Going to join me or what?" She says with a cheeky smirk.

I'm removing my clothes before she even finishes her sentence.

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