Chapter 2. Dangerous Game

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I throw on some clothes and rush past him to get to the girls. The bifold doors are wide open and both Leah and Taylor are sat on one of the daybeds surrounded by three other men. They are all chatting and drinking. Taylor looks in her element clearly hoping for pick of the bunch. I've never seen men like this before. They are all intimidatingly good looking. Where did they come from?

"Jax , Bro, I'm not sure what's going on but we've been double booked!"
As this man walks over he looks so much like the asshole I'd just been unfortunately acquainted with. Maybe a little more put together but they share the same the icy blue eyes and deep jet black hair.

"Oh my, girl!! You are stunning. I'm Jesse. So lovley to meet you!" He pulls me in tightly for a huge warm hug.

"Hallie" I smile.

"brothers I assume?" I blush, I'm not used to the compliments.

"It's the eyes isn't it hunny, total giveaway. Polar opposites though, as you can see I'm the life and soul" he does the most fabulous spin.

"Same can't be said for grumpy over there, pretty sure I could list our differences all day long.. anyway it's a pleasure to meet you!"

I instantly feel at ease. We were going to get on. He was so unlike his brother. Jax. Even the name sent shivers through me. Clearly being an ass was a personality trait of his and not just for my benefit.
"No no the pleasure is all mine" I tease back. .

"Hallie!" Taylor rushes over.
"Isn't this just perfect!" she says with genuine excitement as she looks out to the others, already itching to get back. 

"I wouldn't quite say perfect Tay, where are we all going to sleep? They are strangers, how did this get so mixed up?" I say quietly. The last thing I want to do is offend anyone but all I wanted and needed was the trip with the girls and now it was all a mess.

"Leah is going to call the owner in the morning. Then this will all be sorted by tomorrow and it will be just the three of us before you know it."

Jesse takes me by the arm.
"let's get you a drink hunny, you look like you need one!" He winks at Leah.

After a few drinks, I get changed into my little black bikini and take a dip in the pool. The cool water is so relaxing,  I could feel my body slowly loosening up after a chaotic day. I sit with my legs dipped into the pool alone with my thoughts. Taylor had disappeared with Matt one of the guys, he had seemed just a crazy as her. They had both taken off quickly for some alone time. Leah had sneaked off to bed and Jesse and their other friend Luke were playing beer pong on the dining room table. I couldn't help but notice Luke, he kept looking over with a kind smile. He had a calm energy to him, handsome, blonde and tall.

I was exhausted in all senses. I wanted to sleep but I knew my mind wouldn't shut off. I close my eyes and swish my feet back and forth for what felt like a lifetime.

A familiar voice disturbs my peace.

"Looks like it's just us now peach" he sits down on the daybed next to me looking down watching me closely. Almost like he's examining me, taking in every detail from my head to my toes. I look around to see a now empty house. Everyone had called it a night.

"Do you mind?" I hit back.

My first impression of him was that he was an arrogant asshole. Probably used to getting anything that he wanted. I left the country to get away from an asshole, I didn't need another.

"A lot of attitude for someone who doesn't have a bed to sleep in.."

I roll my eyes.
"I don't like you very much you know."

"The feelings mutual peachy"

I try to avoid all eye contact, I didn't want to be one of the girls that I imagine would usually fall at the knees for him but he was dangerous, I could tell that from the first moment I saw him.

I stand up to get on his level. My breasts bounce into place and I adjust my bikini top accordingly. I bend down to pick up my hair clip and scoop my long blonde hair up out my face. I hadn't looked up but I knew he was watching my every move. I was feeling brave. I walk over and sit down beside him. I lean in to him slightly and graze my hand lightly up his leg.

"Maybe we should share the bed.. or we could just stay right here.." I seductively lick my lips.

He looks unsure of my sudden change of heart but clearly welcomes my forwardness. He instantly takes that as his permission and before I have a chance to say a word, he grabs me by my waist and swings my legs around him so that I'm straddling him. If I wasn't careful I was going to be putty in this man's hands. The way he just threw me on top of him with such ease. His hand trails from my spine up to my neck and by now our faces are as close as they could be without touching, I can feel his warm breath against mine. He is raging beneath me, which just turns me on all the more. Goosebumps cover my entire body and I can feel the warmth of my arousal coming through my knickers. Just as his lips are about to touch mine.. I climb off.. bend over slightly, leaning back into his ear, just as he had to me earlier that night..

"I think the sofa will do just fine." I smirk as we lock eyes again.

"You're playing a very dangerous game peachy" as he watches me walk away.

This girl has an attitude, rude and annoying since the moment we met. Who the fuck does she think she is. She seems to be sweet and bubbly to every other fucker in this villa, but to me? Pure attitude. As for that stunt she just pulled on me, she put me in my place and it enraged me, no one ever does that, she enrages me more than anyone I've ever met, so why the fuck haven't I been able to take my eyes off her all night? I was still sitting here with a massive rock on, she made me so fucking hard and I know she could feel it. I knew from the goosebumps on her skin, she was dripping for me and I wanted a taste..

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