Home without her

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It has been some time since Danielle feels the touch of her beloved girlfriend; Haerin. Haerin is currently overseas due to her busy work, Danielle misses her painfully; it has only been 3 hours since Haerin left but during those 3 hours it felt like an eternity to Danielle.

Danielle looks up at the time and to her surprise, what felt like thousand of years has only been 3 mere hours. Danielle covers her face up with her pillow, "what should I do..." her voice barely above a whisper.

Just then she hears the doorbell rings, as impossible as it is, inside, she wishes that the person she'll see when she open that door is Haerin. Danielle quickly ran to the door looked through the peephole; it was no other than her best friend, Hanni.

"Im going to stay over since i know you'll die with Haerin not being around" Hanni giggled. Danielle smiles and hugs Hanni, "unnie i miss her so much" said Danielle. Hanni pats Dani's head, "its okay" as Hanni comforted.

After their hug, they took a seat on the sofa and before they could realize it, Hanni and Danielle both are gossiping to each other about their girlfriends. "Minji never eats her vegetables no matter how I try to make it, ughh shes so stubborn" Hanni stated. "Omg girl Haerin hasn't been good at eating her vegetables either, just this morning she didnt eat all of her carrots that I prepared" Dani said with a frown on her face and hint of sadness in her tone. "What?? Divorce." Hanni exclaimed.

Their gossiping continues, 10 minutes turn into 30, 30 minutes soon turn into an hour. Before they could notice, it has been dark out. "Gosh its already dark out!" Hanni broke their gossiping train. "Time went by so fast, you haven't eaten yet have you?" Dani asked. "Of course not, I got here at 1pm and now its already 7 dummy!" Hanni rolled her eyes. "Then lets go shopping and make dinner!!" Dani suggested.

They quickly put their jackets on and walk out of Dani and Haerin's apartment. Hanni and Dani intertwining their arms, Hanni and Dani always jokingly flirt with each other; they have a bromance if you would say.

"What would you want to eat?" Asked Dani. "Hmm.. how about lasagna?! It would be so warm to bake!" Hanni answered. Dani gasped, "that is such a good idea".

Time skips

They arrived at the supermarket, Dani grabbed a cart and the two girls started to fill up the carts with ingredients to make lasagna. Even as Dani is having a blast with Hanni, she cant help but think about Haerin, everything reminds her of Haerin. Even the trip to get groceries with Hanni reminds her of her everyday life with Haerin and how she would ask Haerin what she would like to eat for dinner.

When the two girls got to the snack section, Danielle looked around and due to instinct, she spots all of Haerin's favorite snacks. Then it hits her that Haerin isn't with her and suddenly felt her heart weighing her down. Hanni notices and jokes to get Dani's mood up again. "Why are you looking so sentimental? Dont tell me Haerin made out with you in here.." Dani's ears turned red and hot as she instantly replied to Hanni's ridiculous question. "OF COURSE NOT!! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??"

Hanni laughs as her plan worked while Dani is still embarrassed, her face and ears turned bright red. Little did Hanni knows.. they did in fact kiss in this section, once. But in Dani's defense, it was because Haerin started to flirt first. Thinking about the moment back then got Dani feeling embarrassed for doing such a thing in public, what if a kid saw them?

They got a couple different type of snacks and paid for their groceries. They each divided out the bags so one person isn't holding all of it, they walk home while chatting about what kind of movies they would watch after dinner.

Once they got back to the apartment, they started assembling the ingredients together and heating up the oven. Hanni still hasn't stop with her teasing and asked yet another ridiculous question, "So, tell me. How far have you guys gone?" Dani looked back in confusion, "what are you talking about?" Hanni left out a small giggle and rephrased her question, "Im asking have you guys done it yet, and how long and where to be exact"

Dani once again feeling flustered and embarrassed after hearing the question, she jumped up and scowled "WHA-" before she could finish, her phone interrupted with a notification. Taking a deep breath before looking, as soon as she saw the notification, her heart lit up.

*Text messages*

Have you eaten yet?

No not yet!! But we're making lasagna right now!

We're? Who are you with right now?

I dont know.. maybe its my secret lover that you dont know of

Wow maybe i should inform minji unnie that you're secretly having a date with Hanni unnie when im not home

What!! How did you know??

She told me that she'd be keeping you company


I miss you

Even though Haerin and Danielle has been together for a long time now, occasionally, Danielle would feel her heart skip a beat because of Haerin. The text made her smile. Hanni couldn't help but also smile at how happy Danielle is with Haerin

Then hurry up and come home to me, i miss you so much

I will try my best. I have to go now, i'll text you when i can

Good luck with your work!! Love you baby

"Man you guys are such love birds, you make me feel lonely" Hanni teased as she put the lasagna in the oven. Dani smiled in response, "Minji unnie wouldn't be happy if you said you're lonely" Hanni then replies, "ugghh dont remind me, shes so stubborn, we had a disagreement this morning cause she was hating on mint chocolate chip ice cream. I dont wanna hear it from someone who ONLY and ALWAYS eat just plain chocolate ice cream"

After dinnertime they both take turns to take a shower and cuddled each other on the couch while watching Harry Potter. Dani couldn't help but smile when she thinks back of Haerin message.

Time skips

After two days with Hanni staying over, its finally the day where Haerin would be home. Hanni left last night, its just now Danielle in the apartment. It's currently 5am and Haerin should be home in one hour. Danielle excited and happy not being able to sleep, she patiently waits for Haerin.

Finally, an hour passed. As Danielle hears the doorbell rings, she ran as fast as she could to the door and swing it right open. Seeing Haerin in front of her she couldn't help herself but wraps her arms around Haerin's neck and kiss her. Haerin froze for a minute but quickly kisses Dani back. Haerin wraps her arms around Dani's waist, under the oversized pajamas shirt is Dani's slim waist.

Haerin pushes Danielle inside and close the door, they continue to kiss with Danielle pinned against the wall. Danielle broke off their kiss for just a moment, leaving no space between their faces, she could feel Haerin's hot breath blowing against her face. She looked into Haerin eyes, "i missed you"

Their tongues intertwining, connecting two souls together.

P.S: Please put down any ideas of what you would like to read! Whether its fluff or smut or just cute comforting stories. I would take all requests into consideration. (Except the REALLY out of hand ones)

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