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Danielle! Wait up! Where are you going??

Danielle ignored Haerin and just walk quickly as possible away from her. Haerin sprinted towards Danielle and grabbed her arm

whats wrong?

Go away! I dont want to talk to you!

Danielle used her other arm to release the grip Haerin has on her. She turned her back towards the other girl and walk in the direction towards the bus stop

They were just at Minji's house a moment ago where everything was fine until now. Minji threw a party for her birthday and they both went together but now Danielle doesn't even want to see Haerin's face

Haerin grabbed Danielle's shoulder to make her turn over and face her. She pushed Danielle's against a tree, with Haerin's weight on top of Danielle, she cant push her off even if she really tries to

Stop what do you think you're doing?!

Im not letting you go without an explanation

Danielle covered her face up with her hands as she doesn't want to see Haerin

Oh so you're just going to ignore me?!!

First you cheated on me and now you're raising your voice at me????

Danielle snapped, tears rolling down her cheeks uncontrollably. Haerin raised her eyebrow and looked at her confused

What are you talking about?

Oh so you wont even own up to it? Gosh why did i fall in love with you!

Danielle managed to push Haerin away as her guard is down due to confusion

Go fuck your other girlfriend that you've been hiding from me and leave me alone!!

Girlfriend? Wait! Danielle wait a second!

Haerin ran towards Danielle and wrapped her arms around her

What exactly are you talking about?

Do i have to spell everything out for you!?

Haerin is very visibly confused as she has not even the slightest clue of what Danielle is yapping about

I overheard your conversation with Minji! You said you've been meeting with this girl by the park after your dates with me and what?? You said she kissed you every time! I cant believe you!! Right after your dates with me??? What was her name again?? Luna??

Danielle is sobbing uncontrollably as she is very deeply hurt while Haerin's confused frown started to form into a smile then laughter exited her mouth

Danielle!!! Oh my gosh.. you're so adorable!

Haerin now is laughing uncontrollably, Danielle is very confused, how could she possibly be laughing right after she got caught for cheating???

What are you laughing about! So you wont even take this seriously will you??

Haerin gave Danielle a quick peck on the mouth

Danielle... Luna is a stray cat that I met

What.. if she's a cat then why do you have to meet her specifically after our dates???

I dont think shes in the neighborhood, she only come over at night and I buy her food and feed her. We grew a bond and she starts to purr and kiss me every time she sees me


Haerin is still laughing so much that tears is starting to form in her eyes

Youre so adorable! I cant believe you'd get jealous over a cat!

Stop!! Why didnt you say that at the beginning!!

You didn't give me any time to explain

Danielle pout then buried her head on Haerin's shoulder

I was so sad and frustrated when I thought you were cheating on me..

Danielle mumbled as Haerin squeezed her tight into her arms and rubbed her back

Never in a million years would I ever cheat on you. I was the first to approach you so why would I cheat on you? Hm?

They stayed in each other's embrace for quite a while and kissed each other. Haerin suggested that they went to go see Luna. As soon as they arrived at the park, Luna ran over and meowed as she sees Haerin. Luna rubbed her fur against Haerin's leg and purr

Oh my goodness!! Shes so adorable!

Danielle quickly become friends with Luna and Haerin cant help but chuckle at their connection

I cant believe you were jealous over Luna.. don't worry, mo puppy (Danielle) is and will always be my favorite

Leave me alone! I didn't think it was a cat!

Danielle pet Luna as she purrs, Haerin bends down and started feeding Luna. Seeing them side by side Danielle thought to herself just how much Haerin resemblance is to a cat

They spent an hour at the park, just showering Luna with pats, kisses, and treats!

they're both sitting down on one of the benches with Luna laying next to Danielle and purrs

She already like you better than me

Its just natural for her to like me more

Why is that?

Because you also like me more

Haerin tilted her head a little as she looks confused from Danielle's response

How do i put it.. well you look a lot like a cat and you even act like one. So since you had interest in me first its normal for other cats to easily become fond of me

Ahhh.. that makes more sense



Im sorry for jumping into conclusion and got mad at you

Haerin shook her head

Its okay, i should've been more clear

I love you, baby

Haerin smiled and reach her hand out to Danielle's

After we graduate, will you move in to live with me?

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