Halloween pt.2

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I happily skips to the next door as I hold onto Banggeuli's leash and my pumpkin basket! I've gotten so much candy already, all of the adults are so nice!

Knock knock

After a few seconds went by, a tall woman opened the door, the lady got short hair and bangs! "Trick or Treat!" I said as I extend my left arms out, showing my pumpkin basket.

"Awe, are you an astronaut?"

The lady turned her head over towards the inside of her house then yelled. After like a minute, I see another lady came out with a huge bucket of candies and she got long orange hair. The other lady kneeled down to my height.

"Awe, you two are so adorable! The astronaut and her mascot!" She said as she grab a handful of candies and put it inside my basket.

"Thank you!"

Me and Banggeuli both replied in unison at the two nice ladies. "Wow we got so much candy, Banggeuli!" I said happily at him and he woofed back at me! Me and Banggeuli walk towards the next house together until I see a girl that's a bit taller than me and also in an astronaut costume. We walked over to her and tap on her shoulders.

"We got the same costume!" She turned back to me and gasped.

"Omg, we do! Awe, your dog is so cute!!"
"Thank you! His name Is Banggeuli but he's not actually mine, he's my aunties'."
"My name is Eunchae what is yours!?"

She smiled at me and I can see her two front teeth that look somewhat similar to a bunny, just like my two front teeth!

"My name is Hyein! Do you want to go trick or treat together?"
"I would love to!"

Together, we all walk towards the next house to go trick or treat. I'm so happy I've made a friend! We both click on the doorbell together and wait for the candies to come out.

"Trick or treat!" We both said together at once when the door opened, revealing an older couple. I know this house! It's the Kim's family! Whenever I stay over at aunties' the Kims always bring over treats for me.

"Hyein! Eunchae! I didn't know you guys know each other? But nevertheless you guys are soooo adorable! It's nice to see Banggeuli too!" The old woman said as she puts her hand into her basket and grab a handful of candies for us.

"We have cookies too so feel free!" The woman said and she nudge her husband. "Taehyung, can you grab the cookies?" She added and the man agreed with a smile.

The old man showed us the tray filled with three type of cookies; peanut butter, chocolate chip, and m&ms. "Take whichever one you like, my dears!"

"Thank you!" We both said. I grabbed a peanut butter cookie and Eunchae grabbed an m&ms. We walked away happily while eating our cookies.

"I love the Kims! They always have so much snacks!" Eunchae said but her voice is muffled as she stuffed the remaining of the cookie into her mouth.

"Me too! They're also soo nice!" I said as I also stuff the cookie into my mouth.



"How's life with a little kid around? I imagine it must be super lively and chaotic at home." I said with interests and curiosity as I look over at Minji and Hanni sitting across from us, their hands intertwined together in Hanni's lap.

"You won't believe it! Last week Hyein got home from school and her clothes and arms are completely filled with mud! That little rascal played in the mud during their recess time before going home." Hanni sighed longly as she explained and the rest of us chuckle.

"And when we were at the park, she played with a puppy to the point where she got so tired and blacked out! It took us so long to find her sleeping inside a log near the river." Minji chimed in with the experience of living with baby Hyein.

"It sounds like everyday is such an adventure with her." Haerin said, smiling after listening to their stories. "Asides from being a troublemaker, she's a great kid and a blessing. We would never wish for anything more." Hanni smiled warmly at the thought of their kid growing up.

Minji decided to add to her wife's speech. "Mhm, but besides the times when she get a sugar rush and throw up all over the carpet." Hanni face palmed herself at the sight. "I sense this is going to happen when she got done trick or treating..." she mumbled at the horrid image.

"Well thats kids and Halloween." Said Danielle and the three agreed with a nod. Just then they heard small footsteps and a small woof, looking over and slowly baby Hyein and puppy Banggeuli returned safely.

"Well, speak of the princess!" Said Minji as she slowly run towards them and kneeled down, wrapping her arms around the little girl to pick her up. "How was your trick or treating session?" She asked softly while bringing the girl over to her seat.

"It was so so so fun! I made a friend and we went trick or treating together and Mr. And Mrs. Kim even gave me cooki- Achoo!" Before Hyein could finish, a sneeze interrupted her. "Be careful!" Said Hanni as she bring out a small box of tissues from her purse to wipe away Hyein's nose.

"Thawnk ywou mommy!" The little girl said with a wide smile smeared on her face, her voice is a little muffled. No matter how hard parenting life gets, seeing their kid growing up happily and healthy makes Minji and Hanni cherish every single moment.

"Hyein, would you want some brownies? I made some earlier just for you!"
"Yes please auntie D!"

Danielle smiled before heading to the kitchen to bring out the chilled brownies she made earlier with Haerin.

"Also who's the friend that you went trick or treating with, Hyein?" Haerin asked softly while facing the girl. "Her name is Eunchae! She's like taller than me and Banggeuli." Haerin giggled at how adorably Hyein talked while her parents looked at the 6 years old with such love in their eyes.

"Eunchae is Chaewon and Yunjin's daughter! That girl is very sweet." After Haerin finished her sentence, a visibly frown was formed on Hyein's face. "Oh but no one will be able to compete with my little Hyein." Haerin added to reassured Hyein and the girl's frown was quickly inverted into a smile.

"I'm back! And with brownies!" Danielle joined in, holding onto a tray filled with assortment of brownies. She placed it down onto the table and Hyein immediately went for the caramel drizzled brownie. She took a bite of it and they could've sworn they see her pupils turned into heart shapes.

"It's so good auntie!" The little girl continued to gulf down the brownies.

"There's juice too!" Said Danielle.
"Be careful, don't choke Honey." Said Hanni as she watches her daughter happily.

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