Comfort and massage

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There are nights where Danielle is restless, shes unable to sleep due to a million things being on her mind. Even if she falls asleep she would wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare.

Tonight is one of those nights

Even in Haerin's warm embrace Dani could not sleep at all, there are just too many things on her mind all at once. She tries her best to fall asleep but nothing seem to work. She moves around trying to sleep and it seem to have awaken Haerin

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Haerin mumbled, squeezing Danielle tighter. "Sorry did i wake you up? I just cant sleep at all" hearing those words from Dani worries Haerin. "Mm its okay, why dont i give you a massage to help you relax? Maybe that'll help" Haerin suggested but Danielle didn't want to accept the offer. "noo, its okay, you need your rest and i'll just sleep eventually"

Haerin without a word, sat up and flipped Danielle over, exposing her back. "What are you doing? I said its fine!" Danielle scowled. In response Haerin knew right away what to say, "if you stop complaining I'll give you a kiss later and we can visit the bakery you wanted to visit"

Hearing the offer, Danielle stopped complaining right away. "You never listen to me do you?" Haerin ignored the question and started massaging Danielle's back. As Haerin is easing her girlfriend's worries she also showered Dani with affectionate words and compliments.

Wow mo dani, youre so gorgeous. Youre so good at everything


Love you baby

Love you baby *dani said as she chuckle*



cuddle with me

but im giving you a massage

i want cuddles more

Haerin quickly laid down next to Dani, pulling her into a warm and comforting embrace

Danielle closed her eyes then smiled, "wheres my kiss?" Haerin looking at her girlfriend with adoration and smiled. She went in to kiss Danielle. As their kiss ended Dani doesn't seem to want it to end so she went in to give Haerin a second kiss.

This time as their kiss ends, Danielle has a bright smile on her face

Thank you haerin-ah

Mhm its nothing

What should we get at the bakery tomorrow?

Anything you'd like

Danielle and Haerin soon started to doze off, its late night conversations like this that makes them appreciate what they have with each other. Always be there for one another and help each other.

Danielle slept beautifully with no nightmare whatsoever

*The next morning*

Since Danielle is a morning bird, she always wake up first before Haerin. Danielle didn't want to wake up Haerin so she just lays there, listening to Haerin's heartbeat. Just her heartbeat can bring a smile to Dani's face. Perhaps being in love does show you things you'd never thought of before

Time passed and Haerin is now awake, they went to the bathroom and brush their teeth using their matching toothbrushes. They changed into their matching clothing and left to go to the bakery.
(Haerin is wearing khaki pants with a blue and white striped sweater. Danielle is wearing a khaki colored skirt with the same sweater as Haerin)

As they enter the bakery, the smell of freshly baked goods hit them instantly. Danielle jumps excitedly

Haerin-ah!!! It smells so good

The owner of the bakery smiled as she sees the cute couple, "are you guys a newly married couple? The matching outfit is so adorable!"

Ah we're n-

Yes, we just got married not long ago! My wife has been dying to visit your bakery

The owner:
How sweet

Danielle looked at Haerin and smiled at the words she just heard. They picked out the baked goods and paid for it, they made small chats with the owner and the owner never stops complimenting their affection for each other.

With one hand holding Dani's hand and the other holding the bag filled with baked goods. Haerin noticed that Dani seem to be more cheerful and happy since they left the bakery

So i guess im your wife now *she said in a proudly and confident manner*

It just felt right to say we're married

Maybe you should married me and made me your official-official wife

That doesnt sound like a bad idea..

They got home and enjoyed their morning with baked goods and laughter and smiles. Ever since then they became a regular at the bakery, Danielle fell in love with all of the delicious baked goods

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