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The adorable couple, Danielle and Haerin,
together with their fingers intertwined as they walk in a pet store. Scanning through the different breeds of puppies; they were both amazed at how much puppies can vary.

"Are you fond of any yet?" Asked Haerin softly. She looked at Danielle with spark in her eyes as she always does when seeing Danielle. No matter how hard life gets or what kind of challenges they face, just seeing Danielle smile could make her fight the whole world.

"Hmm I'm not sure yet. They're all so cute! What if I get all of them?" Danielle said as she quickly scans around once more. "We can't take care of all and every single one of them. Plus, we already have you as a puppy at home." Danielle let out a small gasped before pouting her cheeks as she processed what Haerin just said.

On the other hand, Haerin can't help but chuckle softly at how Danielle react. You can always count on Danielle for her adorable reactions. Thats one of all the things that Haerin love and adore about Danielle; her reactions are priceless!

The cat eyed girl leaned in to give her beloved a soft kiss on the cheek. Leaving Danielle with a soft pink blush and a warm smile enveloping her face. Danielle's heart always melt at how Haerin never once feared of showing her love for Danielle in public. They couldn't care less of what people think, all that matters is that they have each other.

"Why don't we go further back? Maybe you'll find a puppy that you love." Danielle loved the suggestion. They hand in hand, walk towards the back of the shop where Danielle was immediately amazed.

"Omg Haerin! They have a blue wren!" Danielle yelped and jumped up and down in once place to portray her excitement. "Hey! Thats not what we came for!" Haerin reasoned to keep Danielle back on track. It's not that she doesn't love birds, It's that a puppy would be more fit for Danielle as she's a bright and affectionate person. You couldn't cuddle with a blue now, can you?

They also thought about getting a kitten but they believe a kitten wouldn't be able to keep up with Danielle's bright energy throughout the day so they made up their mind with a puppy.

"Oh yeah! Danielle you're here for a puppy not a bir- OMG THEY HAVE BABY TURTLES!" Danielle quickly got distracted and dashed off to where the turtles are. Haerin sighed in defeat as she watches her fiancée admiring the turtles, forgetting why they're here in the first place.

"Baby." Haerin mumbled as she leaned over to Danielle, hugging her by the waist. "Puppy. No birds, no turtles. We're here for a puppy." She added. "Oh sorry! I couldn't help it, the baby turtles are so cute!" Danielle explained and started to ramble on and on about how she named the turtles.

Suddenly a puppy caught Danielle's attention. It was a Pomeranian with white ish tanned fur. You could see that Danielle fell in love with the small puppy at first sight. She quickly ran over to the cage that contained the puppy inside. They both exchanged glances which made Danielle awed in adoration.

"I guess this is the one huh?" Haerin asked and Danielle quickly nodded, her eyes not leaving the puppy in front of her.

They filled out the paperwork for the little puppy and wrote a check for payment. Since this is one of the higher ends shop, they also give the puppy some shots and a checkup before sending it home with the couple permanently, hoping that a new exciting and adventurous life awaits them.

"What are we going to name him?" Haerin asked while focusing on driving. "Hmm.. Banggeuli!" Danielle replied happily which earned a few giggle and smiles from Haerin. "Don't replace me with Banggeuli, I'd be so sad." She tried putting up her kittiest tone and eyes for Danielle.

"Oh silly, you're forever my number one."

Once they arrived back home, Haerin put up the cage and litter box for Banggeuli while Danielle gave him a quick bath and feed him.

"Now there's two puppy in the house but you'll still be the cutest, my love." She leaned in to kiss Danielle tenderly. Banggeuli looks up at them as he tilt his little puppy head with his tongue sticking out.

They both flopped themselves on the couch along with the puppy resting itself on Danielle's lap while she softly pets him. "He's falling asleep, Haerin." She whispered, trying to not disturb the falling asleep puppy.

"Woah you two are so similar. You always fall asleep when I cuddle you on the couch."

"What can I say? Like mother like son."

Danielle lay down next to Haerin as she rests her head on Haerin's arm, with her own arms holding onto Banggeuli. Haerin happily wraps her arms around the two puppy and cuddle them softly.

Haerin softly place kisses on Danielle's face which makes me giggle.

"You really love kissing me, don't you?"

"Of course I do. If I could I'd like to kiss you all over every moment of the day." She said before going back to leaving kisses on Danielle's face.

This is a perfect moment for them. Showing affection to each other and being there for one another. Also welcoming a new member to their family whom they'll start to take care of and spend their journey with. Everyday is blessed as they can spend their day together.

"I love you, Danielle."

"I love you too, Haerin."

They whispered softly to each other before sealing their lips together. The kiss was soft and affectionate, it was filled with pure love that they have for each other. Everyday, their love grow stronger and stronger as they continue to fight together.

Slowly, Danielle also drifted off to sleep as she rests in her fiancée's embrace while holding onto Banggeuli. Haerin smile as she watches the two puppy sleeping peacefully in her arms. Appreciating that she gets to spend her life with the person she loves the most and has the pleasure to see her smile everyday.

As if all along, there was some invisible string tying Danielle to Haerin.

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