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Haerin has been acting weird for the whole week, Haerin isn't very talkative usually but nowadays she's even less talkative! Danielle is worried as she thinks about the worse

Even though Haerin still spoil, kiss, and cuddle with her girlfriend every single day, Danielle can't help but overthinks Haerin's actions and body language

Her overthinking was so bad that she even sat in a corner and sobbed alone for hours when Haerin is at work. Can't handle it anymore, Danielle confronted Haerin as to why she's been acting secretive and unusual lately

Do you want to break up with me!? Have you found another girl!?

Danielle yelled as she sobs while Haerin just looks at her in confusion. What can Danielle possibly be talking about? Break up? New girl? These thoughts are absurd! Haerin has always and will always love Danielle and her only

Haerin rushed over to where Danielle is standing and wrapped her arms around the girl. She caressed her head and asks her whats going on. Shes aware that Danielle is very bad at communication and dealing with her own emotions

What do you mean whats wrong?? You've been acting so weird lately! We haven't had sex in a week, if you're bored of me then just say it!

Haerin bursted out laughing as she can't believe what Danielle has been thinking about. On the other hand, Danielle just gets very confused and even more furious

"You wont even take this seriously will you!? Ugh im going back to my parents' home!"

She tried to push Haerin away but instead she was getting held tighter and tighter by her beloved. After a moment of laughter, she regained her composure. Haerin took a deep, long breath before speaking

"Danielle June Marsh. Will you accept my proposal for us to be together forever, through sickness and health. We grow old into grannies and find each other again and again after we die?"

Danielle looked at Haerin in surprised, she is lost for words. Haerin smiled softly at the girl before speaking again

"Will you marry me?"

Danielle bawled her eyes out, burying herself onto Haerin's shoulder

"Why would you act differently before proposing? I was so scared you got tired of me and found someone new"

After around 5 minutes of Haerin comforting Danielle while she is bawling her eyes out. Danielle finally looked at the girl straight in the eye and kissed her

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes! I will marry you Kang Haerin"

Haerin ran to their bedroom and took out a small navy blue box from her bag, she ran back to where Danielle is and open the box, revealing a white gold with fined beautiful diamonds surroundings and slipped it onto Danielle's ring finger. Right on top of their matching ring

Danielle squeals in happiness, kicking her feet while staring at the ring, her smile is so bright and adorable! Exactly like a puppy who just got a new toy

Haerin smiled and leaned in closely to the other girl

"Were you sad that we haven't had sex in a while?"

Danielle flushed red at the random question

"Well.. it was just something i said out of the blue you know.. but um.. i mean we always have sex at least two times a we-"

Before Danielle could finish, Haerin cut her off by carrying her bridal style to their bedroom. She flopped Danielle down gently onto their bed and started kissing her aggressively, saliva dripping down from the corner of Danielle's mouth down to her jaw

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