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Ever since Dani and Haerin started dating, they made a rule, well more like Danielle made a rule that no matter what, they have to cuddle at least once a day, 30 minutes a time. (This excludes if they have business trips etc.)

If Haerin forgets to cuddle with Dani, she would sulk like a baby. She would avoid talking and even make physical contact when shes sulking. She would sit in one corner and pout. Haerin finds it so adorable when Dani sulks so, Haerin purposefully forgets to cuddle with Danielle so she can see Danielle sulking then tease her. Its hilarious how Dani would sulk but then after a little bit of Haerin teasing and all, she would go back to being clingy but still mad; she gives mixed signals.

On the other hand, Danielle doesn't think that Haerin did it on purpose, she believe that Haerin actually forgot to cuddle with her. Since Danielle is very sensitive and emotional, she thinks Haerin doesn't love her anymore which result in her sulking.

As Danielle is making breakfast, usually Haerin would hugs her from behind while waiting for her breakfast but this time, she just sits there and wait. She wanted to go all in to making Dani sulk.
Danielle thought it was unusual but she didn't think much of it.

During their breakfast, Danielle would be hinting that she wants a kiss but Haerin ignored all of her gestures even though she knows very well what Danielle is wanting.

Dani cooks and Haerin does the dishes and also try to prepare a light snack or dessert, thats just how it goes. Since Haerin doesn't want to be too obvious about her ignoring Danielle affection, she asked her what she would like to have. Dani lit up because to them, snack time = cuddling time.

Danielle asked for hot chocolate, Haerin started making them right away. Dani happily sits on the couch waiting for her beloved to come and cuddle with her while they enjoy their hot chocolate.

Once Haerin finished, she brung the hot chocolate to Dani and set them on the table, she took a seat on the sofa next to Dani. But she kept her distance. This caught Danielle by surprised and because of it Dani started to sulk. She moved to sit on the edge of the sofa and sips on her hot chocolate without saying a word. She doesn't even pay attention to the show Haerin is putting on, instead took out her phone and started texting someone in attempt to make Haerin jealous.

*Text messages*

The Group Chat

Ever since we woke up haerin has been so cold to me :((

what?? Im going to find her, how could she do that??

did you guys  fight?

No.. just last night we were making out before sleeping


bro why did you put that part in, i didnt need to know that

Is that why you have so many hickeys and bite marks lately?

no thats  from something else

Hyein: STOP!

Idk what to do, she wont pay attention to me at all

You should communicate with her

yeah i agree with Hyein

what no! That would seem like dani is begging for affection

Hyein: isnt that what shes doing?

I agree with hanni unnie!

Feeling hopeless, not getting any actual advice from the others, Dani gave up. She just sits there and sulk. Haerin notices and cant help but smile. She asked Dani a question to make sure she is actually sulking, "who were you texting?" No response from Dani, now Haerin know for sure her puppy-like girlfriend is sulking.

Finding it amusing, Haerin left Dani to be for a few hours. Dani's sulking grew as the hour passed. She went to their bedroom and stayed in there, leaving Haerin in the living room all by herself.

Time passed and it is now past noon. Haerin is very hungry and she could not cook at all so she went to the bedroom and asked Dani to make lunch. Obviously since shes sulking, Dani ignored Haerin's request. Now Haerin realized her decision to make her girlfriend mad isn't so fun after all.

Haerin climbed onto the bed, next to Dani and started hugging her. Danielle resist and push off Haerin, "what are you doing?!" Danielle exclaimed. "I miss you" Haerin answered. Danielle is not having it, she pushes Haerin away, resisting all physical contact. Even as far as not kissing back when Haerin kisses her.

Haerin bow down and ask for forgiveness, "im so sorry mo danielle, i love you so much and it was foolish of me for trying to make you sulk. I shouldn't have done it. Please forgive me."

Danielle still is not listening to what Haerin has to say. "My beautiful amazing wonderful puppy girlfriend mo dani, no not girlfriend but wife. I love you deeply" hearing these words from Haerin made Danielle smiled a bit.

Seeing it worked, Haerin started hugging Dani again, this time she didn't resist but shes not hugging back either. Haerin knows that she just
needs one more step, she cups Dani's face and started kissing her aggressively, Dani has no choice but to kiss her back.

"Jeez, what would you want to eat" Danielle said in an annoyed tone. "You. How about i have you for lunch?" Haerin flirted, perhaps Danielle's flirty personality has rubbed off onto Haerin. "Stop no, im not letting you after what youve done"

"Okay then perhaps a steak salad would be good, oh and a sandwich!" After hearing Haerin's request, Danielle went into the kitchen and started making the food. Haerin feeling guilty so she tried to show as much affection as possible. She hugged Dani from behind while shes cooking and shower her with sweet and flirty words while shes cooking.

Danielle finally gave in and started being cheerful again like her usual self. They ate lunch with Dani sitting on Haerin's lap. They showed affection while eating lunch. Both of them happy being with their partner. "Ughh dont do that again, i dont like it when you ignore my affection" Haerin nodded in response, squeezing Dani's waist.

At night, before going to bed they cuddled and talk about whatever. From now on, instead of purposefully ignoring Dani's affection, Haerin would try her best to show Danielle as much affection as she could. But now sometimes, Dani would ignore her affection on purpose to give Haerin a taste of her own medicine.

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