Chapter 10

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"YOU DID WHAT?!" Becky shouted at Freen.

They were currently in Freen's living room and Freen just told Becky what she did.

Freen sighed and said "I did not just do this for you but also for Richie, just think about it. You can now give Richie a better life."

Becky thought about it, Freen was right, she could give Richie a better life just what she always wanted. Becky bit her lip and looked at Freen, she sighed, "Okay, I promise I will repay you". "No you dont need to repay me" Freen insisted. "No you have already done so much for us so it's fair if I repay you" Becky said.

Freen sighed she knew she won't win the argument so she just nodded.
*The next day*
Freen got ready to go to the company. And wait for Becky on the lobby of the penthouse.

"Freen you still haven't left" Becky asked her. "I was waiting for you. I thought that we should got to the company together" Freen replied to her.

"Oh wouldn't the other employees think suspicious of it?" Becky chuckled nervously, her heart pounding in her chest.

Freen raised her brow, "So what's the problem?". "You know people would think that something is going on between us and they would spread rumors about and some other stuff" Becky finished. Freen looked at her amused, "If that happens then I would fire them".

Becky's jaw dropped at what she's hearing. Freen just chuckled, took Becky's hand and guided her to her car.

"Ladies first" Freen said as she opened the door of her car. Becky slightly blushed and mumbled a 'Thank you' before going in. Freen bit her lip to stop herself from smiling and also got in the car.

They drove in complete silence except for the radio that was playing.

They finally got to the company. Freen wore his usual cold face and her hands in her pockets as she walked into the front doors, while Becky was following her from behind.

The employees gasped when they saw a woman getting out of their CEO's car.

They immediately started whispering to each other of who the woman could be.

'Wow who is she'

'Does she knows that's the CEO'

'She's gorgeous'

'Damn is she single'

Freen ignored all the whispers and continued to walk towards the elevator.

As Freen got to the 50th floor with still Becky silently following her. The 50th floor was the office of all the executives in the company.

"Good morning Ms. Chankimha" the executives greeted her. "I want all of you in the meeting room in 5 minutes"

*Meeting room*

"Good morning everyone before I start the meeting, I'd like you to meet my new secretary" Freen said as she motioned Becky to introduce herself, "G-Good morning my name is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong but you can call me Becky". Becky finished

Mummers were heard across the room all of them being about Becky.
Freen irritatedly said "Okay thats enough, Ms. Armstrong please take your seat we'll start the meeting."

*After the meeting*

After the meeting Freen barely said anything to Becky even in the car as they were going home.

Becky looked at Freen at the passenger seat, admiring Freen's side profile. She sighed and looked outside.

After a few minutes Becky realized that they were going in the wrong way. Becky looked at Freen. "Don't worry we're going somewhere." Freen said. Becky just nodded.

A few more minutes they arrived at a restaurant. Freen first got out of the the cr then went to Becky's side of the car to open it for her.

'What a gentlewoman' Becky mumbled but not loud enough for Freen to hear. "Let's go inside" Freen said as she took Becky's arm.

They walked through the door as Freen saw a familiar face.

"Auntie Mhee it's been a while" Freen said as she slightly smiled. "Oh Freen my dear how are you?" Auntie Mhee said as she walked and hugged Freen.

"I'm doing fine how about you?" Freen asked the older lady. "Nothing new, oh? who is this stunning lady?" Auntie Mhee said as she noticed Becky.

"Auntie Mhee meet Becky my friend" Freen introduced Becky. Becky smiled at Auntie Mhee.

Auntie Mhee guided them to a table and handed them the menu.

"Can we get some prawns Auntie, Thank you." Freen said.

After a few minutes Auntie Mhee came with the prawns and Freen and Becky ate it in silence.

After they were done Freen insisted to pay their meal.

They were once again silent on their way home.

*Inside the Freen's penthouse*

"Sissy!" Richie said as she got off from Nam's lap and run to her sister.

"How are you?" Becky asked as she picked up Richie.

"I'm fine! We baked cookies!" He happily said.

"Let's get you ready to bed it's already late" Becky said exiting Freen's penthouse.

Before she left she mouthed the word 'Thank you' then going out. Freen smiled at Becky.

Freen looked over to Nam and saw ger wiggling her eyebrows, "Are you sure you don't like her?"

"No, I don't like her" Freen said while rolling her eyes.

"Sureeee whatever makes you sleep tonight." Nam said in a teasing voice.

-To be continued-

A/N: Expect fewer updates cause school just started. Sorry if you found this chapter boring but this chapter marks the start where Freen and Becky are slowly starting falling for each other.

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