Chapter 19

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*Freen's POV*

Freen was speechless at the revelation.

"Please tell me that this is real" Freen said still couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes its real" Becky said while cupping Freen's cheek.

"But you still haven't asked me" Becky said while looking at Freen.

Freen smiled at her, "Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, will you be ny girlfriend?"

"Yes of course, I would love to" Becky said as she could feel tears rolling down her beautiful face.

Freen wiped her tears and pulled her closer to hug her. Resting her head just above her heart.

Lub Dub Lub Dub

"Do you feel that?" Freen asked.

"Yes I can feel it" Becky replied slightly smiling.

"My heart only beats for you, only for you"

*Bangkok, Thailand*
*Becky's POV*

It had been 4 days ever since Freen and Becky became official.

Their first day as a couple was a bit awkward.

Becky would often stutter when talking to Freen.

And Freen was just awkwardly talking to her.

But after a few days they gradually became more comfortable around each other.

They were currently sitting between Freen's legs at Freen's bedroom in her penthouse.

They were watching a movie when she heard Freen ask her.

"Are you free this saturday?" Freen asked her.

Becky thought about it for a moment before answering, "Yes I'm free, why?".

"I'm thinking about going out on a date with you" Freen finally said while avoiding her girlfriend's eyes.

Becky smiled at her, "Of coure I would love to" she said while kissing Freen.

Freen couldn't help to slightly smile looking forward to their date.

*Freen's POV*

It was finally saturday and Freen was nervous. It was their first date ever since they got together. She was wearing some boyfriend jeans and a simple white t-shirt.

Freen waited patiently at her outside beside her car.

After a while of waiting Becky finally came out dressed in a black skirt and a white blouse with minimal makeup.

Freen was stunned at the beauty in front of her, "You look....."


Becky couldn't help to blush at Freen's words.

Freen smiled at Becky's cuteness then cleared her throat, "Shall we go now?" She said while opening the door for her.

Becky smiled at the gesture then got inside of the car.

They were silent throughout the car ride with only the radio playing on the background.

"So were are we going?" Becky asked while holding Freen's hand.

Freen smiled and kissed Becky's hand, "Secret".

Becky pouted at Freen eager to know where they were going.

For the next 10 minutes Becky kept sulking at her girlfriend for not telling her.

After another 20 minutes they finally arrived at their destination.

Becky stared at awe, " YOU BROUGHT US TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK?!?!"

Becky couldn't help to hide at her excitement.

Freen just smiled and nodded at her girlfriend.

Becky squealed and grabbed Freen's arm, dragging her.

After an hour of continuously trying all the rides they decided to go to eat the nearest restaurant.

As they were entering the restaurant a voice suddenly greated Becky.

"Becky is that you?!?!" Becky heared someone call her.

"Friend?!?!" Becky shouted suprised to see an old friend.

"Wow Becky you've gotten more beautiful throughout the years" Friend said while eyeing Becky up and down.

While Becky couldn't help to blush at the compliment.

"Thank you I've been taking care of myself more seriously" Becky said.

They chated for a few more minutes while Becky completely forgot Freen.

Freen cleared her throat and looked at Becky clearly not happy.

Becky gulped and looked at Freen.

Freen looked at her with and looked Friend before grabbing Becky's hand.

"Sorry but me and my GIRLFRIEND will be going now" Freen said as she dragged Becky outside, to the car.

They whole car ride was filled with deafening silence Becky tried to talk to Freen but she just ignored her.

After a few minutes they finally got home.

Freen grabbed Becky's arm and dragged her to her penthouse.

After entering the code she hastily got in the closed the door before slamming Becky against it.

"You made a huge mistake" Freen whispered right at her ear.

-To be continued-

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