Chapter 8: The Girl Who Remained Unbowed, Unbent and Unbroken

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Naerys was all alone, curled up with her knees held tightly against her on her wedding day. She'd locked the door the night prior so none of the servants could come in. Nor any unwanted guests.

Her fingers toyed with a small, shredded orange cloth while tears dripped from her vacant eyes. She didn't understand why every time she was here she felt like such a prisoner. It felt like she was screaming in a room full of people, but none would even bother to turn to her.

She should've never returned to King's Landing in the first place.

She remembered receiving news of Jace's trial and went back and forth on if she should return. They hadn't spoken for almost a year. Her heart missed her family deeply though.

She missed her other brothers and her cousins. She definitely missed her stepfather. His dry, cynical humor never failed to put a smile on her face.

But most of all, she missed her mother. Rhaenyra visited the most out of them all and was quite close to Prince Qyle and his sisters, Princess Aliandra and Princess Coryanne. She'd grown to care for them as if they were her own children, especially when they saw the way Naerys had brightened every visit.

Rhaenyra was skeptical of how pushy her daughter was about a proposal to Prince Qyle, but from the first time she saw the two together she knew it was the right choice. It hurt to let her daughter go, but she'd never seen Naerys smile the way she did for the prince. How could she refuse her daughter a life of happiness?

Her mother was there more than she ever was when they were in King's Landing. Naerys initially resented that, but then she began to let go of her past and all the anger and pain that remained. They'd grown closer than ever and Naerys was hundreds of miles away, grieving a loss that broke everything inside of her.

She'd even debated on coming back to Dragonstone when she was in the throne room that day. But for some reason she didn't feel right to join them as a family. She felt like an outsider when she stepped into that throne room. An outsider under the hateful gaze of the man she was being forced to marry in just a few hours.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Naerys didn't even blink or flinch. Just blankly staring at the wall across from her.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Are you sure she's even in there?" A small voice whined.


"It's locked, so I'd say yes. Sister, open this fucking door." That voice made Naerys shoot up in bed with wide eyes.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Naer, I swear by all your bloody gods I will break this door do-!" The door swung open and Naerys' eyes swelled up with tears of joy as she looked at her sisters, Aliandra and Coryanne.

"Sisters!" Naerys sobbed as she threw her arms around the girls with the biggest smile on her face. The girls held Naerys close, but exchanged a concerned look. "How are you even here?!"

"We thought you might want all of your family with you this evening." Rhaenyra smiled with her arm wrapped around Daemon's, who had a glint in his eyes as he watched Naerys finally brighten up.

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