Chapter 50: The Boy Who Would No Longer Serve

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Days had passed since Naerys had been welcomed by her mother's council, thanks to Laenor's brilliant scheme. So far none had protested her presence, but from what she could see around the room during the council meetings she knew she wasn't welcomed by all. Judging by Jace's face alone, she knew she had no ally in him, but another face caught her attention. One with shorter, silver hair and violet eyes, but a face she did not recognize. Her mother had called him Ulf White, but Laenor merely referred to him as a blunt instrument.

All Naerys knew was she was not to trust him, nor really anyone outside of her family. Though even within her family had its limitations. She didn't tell anyone outside or Laenor or her mother, so she could keep her secret. It pained her to not be able to tell Rhaenys or Corlys, or any of her siblings...most of them at least.

She wanted to fly to Harrenhal to see Daemon and finally tell him she was alive, but the queen had ordered her to remain on Dragonstone. It pained her to feel trapped in one of her childhood homes, but she knew her mother only feared for her safety more than anything. She wished to write to him, but any letters she could send wouldn't be safe nor would her secrets.

Laenor had been ordered to fly to the Vale to help in escorting Lady Jeyne's men to Harrenhal, and Naerys thought it would be the perfect opportunity for her to join, but instead he chose Ulf to join him. It rubbed her the wrong way at first, but before Laenor's departure he assured her it was merely to keep an eye on the man. Laenor didn't care for the man one bit since he'd met Ulf, but he had to tread very carefully if he expected to keep his own secrets.

Maelor's presence was hard to keep a secret, so Rhaenyra had no choice but to own up to the boy being stolen by her new "mysterious knight". It was almost a relief because Naerys didn't have to hide him away and worry for his safety if she wasn't around. Instead, he followed her wherever she went, almost like her bright, little shadow.

Much like this afternoon, as she took Maelor to visit Vermithor atop of the cliffs, away from the rest of them. Vermithor had grown slightly lethargic since being claimed, but he always perked up at the sight of his rider. His body sprawled out with his neck extending further out for Naerys to rub gently against.

Nothing but giggles and cheers came from little Maelor as he walked along Naerys' side, holding her hand while she rubbed Vermithor's scales soothingly with the other. The little prince adored the massive beast before him, not even caring that one wrong step would be the end for them both.

By the time Vermithor had settled comfortably, Naerys sat with her back leaning against his bronze scales with Maelor on her lap. A small sigh of content left her as her eyes slowly shut with her head slumping back against Vermithor's scales. Even if it was temporary, she still clung to what little peace she could find.

"Make him roar, Naerry!" Maelor begged with his hands flailing around while Naerys just rolled her eyes, giggling quietly to herself.

Her head tilted up to look over at Vermithor's amber eye glancing down at them for a moment before shifting quickly away. The back of her head nuzzled against his scales as she playfully asked. "Issi ao bē naejot tepagon se byka dārilaros iā urnēptre?" (Are you up to give the little prince a show?)

A huff came from Vermithor as his head shifted slightly away from them, but Naerys could feel the twinge of excitement in him. She could sense he loved being admired and shown off, but he didn't want to show it.

"Roar!" Maelor beamed, almost in a more demanding way, which made Naerys wrap her arm around his little frame to pull him closer to her. She didn't want his sass to be his own undoing.

"Shh, settle down, little one. Don't want to scare him off now, do you?" She whispered sweetly into his ear, but Maelor just pouted with his arms crossed. She knew both of them were simply nothing more than just bored with being stuck on Dragonstone with nowhere else to go. Though technically her mother only ordered for her to not leave Dragonstone. She could always just go above Dragonstone for a few minutes, patrolling the skies and all.

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