Chapter 5 - Reunion in the Skies

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Third person's POV

The journey from the police station to the airport was filled with tense silence. Santiago sat in the car alongside Jade, his expression stern and focused as he reviewed the legal paperwork that would make Alanna's transition into their family official. Jade, on the other hand, felt a mixture of anxiety and intimidation in Santiago's presence. She had heard of Santiago's strictness and was unsure of how he would react to her.

Alanna, sitting in the backseat, had her own anxieties to contend with. The voices whispered doubts and fears into her mind, convincing her that Santiago would be just as cruel as Piero, if not worse. The notion that she had no chance of surviving this new chapter in her life weighed heavily on her.

As they arrived at the airport, Santiago's guards guided them towards the awaiting private jet. The sight of it was a familiar one for Santiago and Jade, as they were accustomed to the luxuries that came with their affluent lifestyle. However, for Alanna, everything about the private jet was new and awe-inspiring.

The jet's exterior gleamed with polished silver, exuding an air of opulence. As they boarded, Alanna was immediately struck by the plush, cream-coloured leather seats that offered both comfort and extravagance. The spacious cabin boasted high ceilings adorned with soft, ambient lighting. A sleek bar area, stocked with an assortment of refreshments, stood in one corner. Alanna marvelled at the intricate design and attention to detail that surrounded her.

The windows, which were much larger than those of commercial flights, offered breathtaking panoramic views of the runway and the city beyond. It was a stark reminder of the vast differences in their lives, a contrast that Alanna couldn't help but notice. It made her realize how different her and her brother's lives had been.

Santiago settled into one of the plush leather seats, his demeanour still stern but focused on ensuring Alanna's comfort and safety. Jade, though feeling uneasy due to Santiago's imposing presence, decided to take the seat next to Alanna. She placed a reassuring hand on Alanna's shoulder, silently assuring her that things would be different now.

As the private jet taxied down the runway and began its ascent, Alanna's anxiety grew. She clutched her teddy bear close to her chest, its worn and frayed fur offering a small source of comfort. Closing her eyes, she tried to steady her racing heart.

Santiago, seated across from Alanna, noticed her unease. A ghost of a smile tugged at his lips as he watched how cute his sister looked at that moment, huddled with her teddy bear. He couldn't help but capture the heartwarming scene with a quick photo on his phone, intending to preserve this moment as a symbol of their new beginning.

As time passed and the jet continued to soar through the sky, Alanna's nervousness slowly began to ebb. Everything about the experience fascinated her. She pressed her small nose against the window, gazing in awe at the fluffy white clouds drifting by. Each passing cloud was a new wonder, a world of its own, and she couldn't help but smile.

But when the novelty of the clouds began to wane, Alanna slumped back in her seat, her gaze shifting between Santiago and Jade. Sensing her restlessness, Jade stopped what she was doing—reviewing some research notes—and turned her attention to the young girl beside her.

Jade flashed a warm smile at Alanna and asked, "Hey there, Alanna. Are you enjoying the view up here?" She gestured toward the window, where the sky painted a canvas of vibrant colours as the sun began to set.

Alanna nodded shyly, her eyes bright with curiosity. Alanna began to feel a growing sense of security and comfort around Jade. Perhaps it was because Jade was a woman, or maybe it was the way she naturally exuded a motherly aura that Alanna had yearned for throughout her tumultuous life. She slightly tugged on Jade's dress, indicating that she wanted to share a whispered secret.

Leaning in closer, Jade's warm smile encouraged Alanna to speak her mind. In a hushed tone, Alanna asked, "Are you and Santiago married?"

The question caught Jade off guard, and a soft, surprised laugh escaped her lips. Santiago, seated nearby, noticed their exchange and became intrigued, wondering what the two of them were discussing.

Jade, still chuckling, turned to Santiago and explained, "Alanna just asked if we're married."

Santiago couldn't help but release a hearty chuckle at the innocent question. The thought of their unspoken bond developing so quickly brought a warm feeling to his heart. He leaned forward, joining their conversation, and said, "Well, not yet. We've been waiting for our special bridesmaid to come home. You, Alanna."

Alanna's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the mention of being a bridesmaid. She shyly lowered her head, but a small, content smile played on her lips.

The conversation had lightened the atmosphere, and Alanna's curiosity continued to grow. With a newfound sense of connection, she decided to ask the question that had been on her mind since she first laid eyes on Jade. Once again, she signalled for Jade to lean closer, and in a quiet voice, she asked, "Are you an actress or a model? Because you look like one."

Jade's laughter rang out again, and she shook her head. "No, I'm neither of those," she replied with a warm smile. "I'm a PhD student, studying social development. But thank you for the compliment. It's very sweet of you to say that."

Jade decided to share a little more about herself, hoping to build trust and rapport with Alanna. She had a feeling that they were all going to be a family soon, and she wanted Alanna to feel comfortable around her and Santiago. 

As Alanna, Jade, and Santiago continued to warm up to each other during the flight, Santiago's mind was racing with thoughts and plans. He knew that the next step in this journey was to introduce Alanna to her other siblings and inform them about her return. It was a task that weighed heavily on his mind.

Back in New York, Santiago had left his work unfinished and had entrusted his second-oldest brother, Valentino, with the responsibility of taking care of their younger siblings. He hadn't disclosed the reason for his sudden trip, and Valentino, accustomed to Santiago's occasional unexpected travels, hadn't questioned it. Now, Santiago grappled with how to break the extraordinary news of Alanna's discovery to the rest of his family.

As the jet soared through the sky, Santiago's stern expression didn't waver, but his thoughts were deeply preoccupied. He wondered how his brothers would react to the news, especially Alanna's return after seven long years. It was a situation fraught with complexity and emotions, and he couldn't predict how each of them would respond.

Moreover, Santiago was acutely aware of Alanna's reserved demeanour toward him. She hadn't spoken directly to him since their meeting, and her reluctance to engage with him concerned him. He pondered on how she would adjust to living with her seven older brothers in their shared family home. While she had grown up with them, the circumstances of her absence had created an emotional chasm that would need to be bridged.

Deep in thought, Santiago knew that the challenges they faced were just beginning. As the jet continued its journey, he couldn't help but wonder how this reunion would reshape their family dynamics and what the future held for them all.

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