Chapter 21 - Secrets in Slumber

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Alanna was once again transported to that haunting place from her past, her younger self trapped in the vividly reimagined memories of that fateful day. The nightmare was an unwelcome visitor, a relentless replay of terror.

She found herself standing in a dimly lit room, her small frame trembling with fear. The room was suffused with a ghastly silence, broken only by the distant echoes of her own sobs. Her voice choked with distress, reached out into the void, calling for the man and woman she had glimpsed earlier.

But the dream was cruel, and it played its wicked tricks. The scene shifted, and Alanna was now seated on a cold, blood-soaked floor. It was as if the walls themselves wept, and the room exuded an eerie, oppressive darkness. The once-white clothes of the man and woman were now stained in crimson, a stark contrast to the horror that surrounded them.

Alanna's innocent eyes were wide with terror as she watched the injured couple. She couldn't understand why they were hurt, why there was so much blood. She wished she could wipe away their pain, but she was just a frightened child, powerless to change the world around her.

In this dreadful tableau, the woman mustered the strength to reach out, her trembling hand extending towards Alanna's tear-streaked face. Alanna's heart raced, and she longed to hear the woman's soothing voice, to feel the warmth of her touch, but the nightmare wouldn't allow it.

Before the woman could speak, Alanna's eyes snapped open, and she was jolted awake, drenched in sweat and gasping for air. The nightmare had once again gripped her in its relentless embrace, leaving her drained and haunted by the echoes of her past.

The relentless nightmares had taken a toll on Alanna, weaving their way into her waking life like a dark cloud that refused to dissipate. As days turned into sleepless nights, Alanna's youthful energy began to wane, and a persistent fatigue settled over her like a heavy shroud.

Her once-healthy appetite had dwindled, replaced by a gnawing emptiness in her stomach. Food lost its flavor, and mealtimes became a chore. Alanna's weight, which had already been a concern, began to drop further, making her look even more fragile. Dark circles formed beneath her eyes, a stark testament to her restless nights. Her complexion paled, robbing her of the healthy glow she once had.

Alanna felt perpetually on edge, like a wounded animal in a constant state of alertness. The nightmares had become a haunting presence, lurking in the corners of her mind. To escape them, she tried to stay awake for as long as possible, hoping that sleep would elude her tormentor. But exhaustion would eventually claim her, and the nightmares would return, crueler each time.

Her waking hours became a battleground, as the dreams cast long shadows over her thoughts. Alanna's physical health continued to deteriorate, worrying her family, who noticed the drastic changes in her appearance. They urged her to eat, to rest, but Alanna couldn't bring herself to explain the source of her suffering.

As if the torment of her nightmares wasn't enough, Alanna's schizophrenia began to intensify. She started seeing more vivid hallucinations, shapes and shadows dancing at the periphery of her vision. Unfamiliar voices whispered unintelligible words in her ears, leaving her increasingly disoriented and frightened.

Alanna knew something was deeply wrong, but she was terrified of sharing her torment with her family. The fear of being labelled as "crazy" and burdening them further with her problems weighed heavily on her mind. Her physical state was already causing concern, and she couldn't bear the thought of compounding their worries with the truth about her mental anguish.

The tension in the house had reached its peak, and each member of the family couldn't help but notice how Alanna's demeanour had changed. She had become a shadow of her former self, always on edge, always looking over her shoulder as if something unseen lurked in the corners of their home.

Her brothers and Jade had all tried to coax Alanna into sharing her fears, but she remained stubbornly tight-lipped. Whatever haunted her mind was a torment she seemed unwilling or unable to put into words.


One sunny afternoon, with the sky painted in shades of blue above them, Alanna reclined on the gazebo, her eyes trained on the vast expanse of the heavens. It was a rare moment of tranquillity in an otherwise tumultuous existence.

Ethan couldn't bear to see his once-vibrant sister in such a state of vulnerability. He approached her cautiously and settled beside her on the gazebo, taking in the fragility of her form.

Alanna briefly acknowledged Ethan's presence, their eyes connecting for a fleeting second before her gaze drifted back to the sky. With gentle care, Ethan lifted her head and placed it gently in his lap. His skilled fingers began to knead her scalp, massaging her through her tousled hair.

Alanna's eyes fluttered closed, succumbing to the soothing sensation of her brother's touch. It was a moment of respite, a fleeting escape from the relentless torment of her thoughts. For a brief instant, the tension in her body relaxed, and a sense of calm washed over her.

But her subconscious was a battlefield, where nightmares waged a relentless war against her fragile psyche. As her eyelids drooped, fear gripped her heart. The possibility of being pulled back into the nightmarish realm was too great, and Alanna fought to keep herself awake, her eyes wide with terror.

 As he continued to massage her head, he spoke softly, his voice a soothing balm to her troubled soul. "It's okay, I'm here now," he whispered, his warm breath brushing gently against her ear. "Sleep, you need it."

But sleep was a territory Alanna had become wary of. The nightmares that lurked within threatened to engulf her the moment she closed her eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of surrendering to them again.

Ethan's concern, however, was unwavering. He wanted to help her, to ease the pain that had taken root in her heart. Leaning in closer, he implored her, "What's wrong, Anna? Tell me what's bothering you. I would never judge you."

Alanna hesitated for a moment, the words lodged in her throat like a dam holding back a torrent of emotions. With a deep breath, she decided to confide in her brother, at least partially. Her voice was barely more than a whisper as she began to speak, and Ethan leaned in, attentive to every word.

As Alanna spoke, the weight of her recurring nightmares lifted ever so slightly, carried away by the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves overhead. She began to explain the haunting dreams that plagued her nights, the vivid image of the man and woman, their once-white clothing stained crimson. The mere mention of the blood made her shudder, and she described how it filled her with a sense of unease and dread.

"It's like... it's like I'm stuck in that dark room with them," Alanna whispered, her voice quivering with the emotions she had kept bottled up for so long. "And I try to see their faces or hear what the woman is saying, but I can't. It's like... like I'm trapped."

Ethan's expression darkened with concern as he listened intently, absorbing every detail of his sister's distress. He wished he could offer her a solution, a way to banish these nightmarish visions from her mind. But he knew that some demons were not so easily exorcised.

He continued to massage her head, hoping to provide some comfort as Alanna's words finally came to an end. The stress of the revelation, combined with her brother's soothing touch, began to take its toll on Alanna. Her eyelids grew heavy, and her energy waned.

Despite the turmoil in her mind, Alanna found herself surrendering to the embrace of sleep. She slipped into slumber, her breathing steady, her face relaxed for the first time in days.

Once Ethan was certain that Alanna had succumbed to the comforting embrace of sleep, he carefully slid out from under her head, making sure not to disturb her peaceful slumber. His arms gently cradled her petite form, and he rose from the gazebo with Alanna securely nestled against his chest.

With careful steps, he entered the living room, where the soft, muted light streamed in through the curtains. The plush couch awaited a haven of rest for Alanna after her troubled nights. Ethan gently laid her down, ensuring she was comfortable and well-supported by the cushions.

Ethan pulled a nearby blanket and draped it over his sister, tucking her in with utmost care. He sat down beside her on the couch, his protective gaze fixed on Alanna's delicate features. As he watched over his sleeping sister, his thoughts swirled with concern, contemplating how to approach Santiago with this troubling matter.

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