Chapter 22 - A Prescription for Peace

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The movie room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of the screen illuminating Alanna's face. Her eyes were fixed on the moving images, but her mind seemed distant, lost in thoughts of her recurring nightmares. She was so absorbed in her own world that she didn't notice Santiago's presence until his hand gently touched her shoulder.

Alanna's reaction was immediate and involuntary. She flinched, her body jerking in surprise as she turned her head toward Santiago. Her wide, startled eyes met his concerned gaze, and in that moment, it was as if the weight of her unspoken fears had been laid bare.

Santiago's heart ached at the sight of his little sister's vulnerability. He had been so preoccupied with his own concerns and the challenges they faced that he had failed to notice Alanna's silent struggle. Guilt gnawed at him, knowing he should have been more attentive.

"I heard what's been bothering you from Ethan," he began, his words slow and measured. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Alanna's stomach churned at the mere thought of discussing her nightmares. She had kept them locked away for so long that the idea of opening up about them was daunting. She shook her head in response, unable to find her voice.

Santiago nodded, his expression sympathetic. He knew that Alanna's silence was a sign of how deeply these dreams were affecting her. He had anticipated this response and continued, his tone reassuring.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk to me right now," he said gently. "But I want to help you, Alanna. You don't have to go through this alone. I'll make an appointment with a doctor who specializes in this kind of thing. They can help you with your nightmares."

Alanna was too exhausted to put up any resistance. She had reached a point where she was willing to try anything to put an end to the torment of her dreams. With a weary nod, she agreed to Santiago's suggestion, her eyes reflecting a mix of fear and hope. Deep down, she longed for a good night's sleep without the haunting visions that had plagued her for so long.

Santiago and Alanna arrived at the hospital, and the familiar sterile scent filled the air. They found Valentino in the waiting area, and Santiago quickly explained the situation to him, expressing his deep concern for Alanna's well-being. Valentino nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and assured Santiago that they would get Alanna the help she needed.

Valentino approached the reception desk, and after a brief exchange with the hospital staff, he managed to secure an appointment with the best paediatrician available. Santiago and Alanna waited anxiously in the bustling hospital, Alanna clutching Santiago's hand tightly. She felt vulnerable and exposed, convinced that everyone around her could sense her inner turmoil.

Soon, it was time for their appointment, and Santiago led Alanna to the pediatrician's room. The doctor, a kind and experienced woman, welcomed them with a warm smile. She could see the distress in Alanna's eyes and aimed to put her at ease.

Santiago began to share his concerns with the doctor. He explained how Alanna's recurrent nightmares had taken a toll on her physical health, leading to sleepless nights, decreased appetite, and an overall sense of unease. The doctor listened attentively, nodding in understanding as she made notes.

After the initial discussion, the doctor turned her attention to Alanna. She approached her gently, introducing herself and explaining each step of the examination to ease the girl's anxiety. Alanna sat on the examination table, her heart racing.

The doctor conducted a thorough examination, checking Alanna's vital signs, reflexes, and general health. She asked questions about Alanna's sleep patterns, her appetite, and any other symptoms she might have experienced. Throughout the examination, Alanna's eyes darted around the room, avoiding direct eye contact with the doctor.

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