Chapter 11 - The Weight of Guilt

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Ian, in his usual carefree manner, took notice of Aunt Sarah's surprise and concern. He halted his lunch, his young eyes filled with worry. "Aunt Sarah, are you okay?" he asked in a soft, caring tone.

Aunt Sarah blinked a few times, as if awakening from a daze. She managed a weak smile and replied, "Yes, Ian, I'm fine." Then, her gaze shifted to Alanna as she gathered her belongings. "You still remember Alanna, right? Santiago brought her home yesterday."

Alanna, seated beside Ian, offered a small, shy smile and a nod in greeting.

The mention of Santiago seemed to break whatever trance had come over Aunt Sarah. She gave an acknowledging nod towards Alanna and swiftly bent down to pick up her handbag, determination in her movements. Something was on her mind, something urgent.

Ian, with a mix of curiosity and concern, watched as Aunt Sarah readied herself to leave. He followed her with his gaze as she approached him, eager to ensure that everything was alright. "Aunt Sarah," he began hesitantly, "if you need anything, just let us know, okay?"

She offered a reassuring smile, though it seemed slightly forced. "Thank you, Ian." Then, without further ado, she turned and headed for the door, her steps quick and determined. Aunt Sarah had a pressing matter on her hands—she needed to find Santiago.

As Ian watched Aunt Sarah's hurried exit from the room, a perplexed expression settled over his young face. The whole situation struck him as unusual. Sarah was not known for such abrupt and strange behaviour. He couldn't help but mutter a quiet "weird" to himself before resuming his seat at the kitchen table, deciding to focus on finishing his lunch.

Alanna, who had been silently observing the unfolding events, shared Ian's sense of bewilderment. She was completely unsure of how to react or what to make of the situation. Her eyes darted between Ian and the empty space Aunt Sarah had left behind, uncertainty etched across her features.

Seeing Alanna's confusion, Ian decided to offer some clarity. He resumed his lunch and gestured towards the space where Aunt Sarah was standing. "Don't worry too much about it," he said reassuringly. "Aunt Sarah's usually not like that. She's our father's sister, by the way. When our parents passed away, she was the one who stayed with us for a while to help take care of the kids."

Alanna nodded slowly, her gaze lingering on the now-vacant space where Aunt Sarah had been standing just moments ago. 

Santiago was engrossed in his work, the weight of responsibilities resting heavily on his shoulders, when a sharp knock on the door startled him. He looked up, his brow furrowing in curiosity, as the door slowly swung open, revealing Aunt Sarah standing in the doorway. Her presence in the house wasn't unusual; she had been a constant figure in their lives since their parents' passing. But today, the look on Sarah's face caught Santiago's attention, and he couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern.  

Sarah took a few tentative steps into Santiago's study, her gaze locked onto his. Her normally composed demeanor seemed shaken, and the lines of worry etched deep on her face. She hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the words she wanted to say.

Santiago, recognizing the gravity of the situation, closed the file he had been working on and leaned forward, concern etched in his eyes. "Aunt Sarah, is something wrong?" he asked gently.

"How could you not share the news, Santi?" Sarah's voice was laced with a mix of concern and reproach. Santiago knew exactly what she was referring to — Alanna's return.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily," he began, his voice calm but apologetic. "I needed to be certain she was safe before I brought her home. You know how delicate the situation is."

Sarah nodded, her eyes reflecting understanding. But her expression remained troubled as she continued, her voice softening with emotion. "You know how much guilt I have in me since that day. I wish I could've protected her that day. When I saw her, it was as if I was back to the day it all happened."

Santiago felt a pang of sympathy for his aunt. He reached across the desk and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Sarah," he began gently, "we all carry that guilt with us. But she's here now, and we'll do our best to make her feel safe and loved."

Aunt Sarah looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and concern. "Care to explain what happened?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Santiago could see the anguish in Aunt Sarah's eyes, and he wished he could ease her pain. He knew how deeply she cared for Alanna and how much guilt she carried from that fateful day.

With a heavy sigh, Santiago leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled in front of him. He began to explain, his voice tinged with exhaustion from the weight of the situation.

"It all started with a call," he began, his eyes fixed on Aunt Sarah. "I received a call a few days ago, notifying me that they had found Alanna in Amador City. She had been living with someone named Piero Ferrari, who claimed to be her father all these years."

Santiago's brows furrowed as he continued, his voice tinged with frustration. "The whole situation doesn't make sense to me. If this person wanted money, they could have contacted the family and demanded a ransom. But instead, they waited all these years, and now... Now we're left with so many questions."

Aunt Sarah listened intently, her features etched with concern. "So, she's back now, but we don't know why she was taken in the first place?"

Santiago nodded, his expression troubled. "Exactly. And that's what worries me the most. Alanna doesn't remember anything about her life before she was taken. Her memories seem to have been erased, manipulated."

A heavy silence hung in the air as Santiago and Aunt Sarah grappled with the uncertainty surrounding Alanna's past. The mystery of her abduction loomed like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their thoughts and conversations.

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