Chapter 19 - Sunny Escapade

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The sun bathed the garden in a warm, golden glow, casting long shadows from the trees as a gentle breeze rustled the leaves. Alanna lay on the comfortable cushion of the Gazebo, her gaze fixed on the clear blue sky. Inside the house, Jade and Sarah bustled about in the kitchen, their laughter and the clinking of mixing bowls filling the air.

Santiago and Valentino had already left for work, their absence leaving the house quieter than usual. The triplets, Christian, Issac, Ethan, and Ian were engaged in an intense game of basketball on the court, their playful taunts and shouts occasionally drifting toward the Gazebo.

Alanna's love for basketball was well-known, but today, she couldn't find the enthusiasm to join her brothers. Her mind was preoccupied with the memory of that fateful day in the hills. Her fingers idly traced the wooden surface of the Gazebo as she wondered whether it was just an effect of her head injury.

"Maybe I did just wander off," Alanna whispered to herself, trying to rationalize what she had experienced. She sighed, feeling a pang of uncertainty deep within. The whole incident in the hills seemed so real, but maybe she had imagined it, her brain playing tricks on her.

Alanna's contemplative mood deepened, causing her to scrunch her nose and furrow her brow as she continued to wrestle with her thoughts. Lost in her musings, she didn't notice Ethan's approach from behind. Suddenly, a voice pierced her reverie, sending her heart racing as she jumped slightly in surprise.

With her hand clutched to her chest, Alanna turned to find Ethan grinning mischievously. Irritated by the unexpected scare, she scolded him, swatting his arm lightly. "Ethan, stop doing that!" Her voice held a mixture of annoyance and amusement.

Ethan chuckled, his laughter contagious as he responded, "Sorry, kiddo, couldn't resist. You seemed so lost in thought. What's got you pondering so deeply that you didn't even realize I was sneaking up on you?"

Ethan, still seated beside her, decided to use humour to lift Alanna's spirits. He was sweaty from their earlier basketball game, and with a mischievous grin, he pulled her into an affectionate side hug, playfully wiping some of his perspiration onto her arm. Alanna's initial reaction was a mix of disgust and laughter as she pushed him away, her laughter filling the air.

With a chuckle, Alanna decided not to trouble Ethan further with her worries. She leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows, and reassured him. "It's really nothing, Ethan. Just thinking about what to do during this summer break."

Ethan, lying down beside her, seemed to accept her explanation. He propped himself up on one elbow, facing Alanna, and they began to chat about various topics. The worries that had been plaguing Alanna's mind temporarily faded away as she enjoyed the sunshine and the company of her brother.

As the sun continued its relentless assault on the backyard, Sarah decided it was time for everyone to retreat indoors, away from the scorching heat. Jade, always the gracious hostess, had already prepared a refreshing pitcher of lemonade and a delightful homemade cake for the siblings to enjoy.

Gathering around the kitchen table, the siblings, Jade and Sarah engaged in a lighthearted conversation, relishing the break from the sun's intensity. Laughter and chatter filled the room as they savoured the delicious treats.

Noticing that Alanna had been mostly quiet, Sarah decided to strike up a conversation with her. With a warm smile, she turned to Alanna and gently asked, "Alanna, how have you been feeling since that incident on the hill?"

Alanna looked up and replied, "I've been recovering really well, thanks to everyone here. And Aunt Sarah, those vitamins you gave me have been a big help too. I appreciate it."

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